( 6 )

It shows improvement in the work done, and a great increase in the num-
ber of cases verified. I may, however, remark here that when vaccination
does not progress favorably, there is a difficulty in keeping up the supply of
lymph, but as yet I don't see my way out of this difficulty, except by the district
officials urging more strenuously than they even now do on the people the im-
portance of getting their children vaccinated.

Statement II.—What it shows.

21. Statement No. II. exhibits the total
number of persons vaccinated in each month of
the season, as well as the percentage of successful cases in each month: from
it we learn that vaccination is least successful in September, and that the
operation can be undertaken with the best chances of success in November,
December, January and October.

Vaccination in Melghat not shown
in report.

22. Although two Vaccinators were at work
in the Melghat taluka, Elichpur district, in March,
April and May, for reasons before explained,
their work does not appear in this report. During this year and the previous
one, these Vaccinators accompanied me on short trips made into this wild
country, and vaccinated a fair number of children.

                                    CHAPTER III.


Statement III.—Expenditure com-
pared with the previous year.

23. This Statement shows the cost of the
working of the department during the year : it
amounts to Rs. 19,464-4-3, as against Rs. 18,289-2-8
in the previous year. The increased expenditure in the year under report,
viz., Rs. 1,175-1-7, is accounted for under the following headings :—

Causes of increase.

Assistant Superintendent's pay... ...

467 odd

Not sanctioned in 1874.

Office establishment ... ... ...

88 „

Establishment increased in 1874.

Travelling allowances... ... ...

43 „

Superintendent longer in camp.

Contingencies ... ... ...


Registers, &c., had to be purchased.

Besides these, there are variations in the pay to Vaccinators, owing to some
being promoted and others reduced or fined, which it is not necessary to enter
into at length.

                                          CHAPTER IV.


Statement IV.—Increase of suc-
cessful cases, and decrease of cost of
each operation.

24. Statement No. IV. shows all that it is
considered necessary to be shown under the above
heading, and from it is learned that, as compared
with the previous year, the percentage of successful cases increased from 76.5
to 80.2, and the cost of each successful operation fell from 9 annas 9 pies in
1873-74 to 7 annas 3 pies in 1874-75.