( 2 )

5. Eighty-six thousand, four hundred and seventy-one persons were vacci-
nated. Of successful operations—


per cent. were under one year.


„ between one and six years.


„ above six years of age.

The steady progress made in the vaccination of infants is satisfactory; the
percentage has risen from 61.3 to 70.25, and from Statement IX. it would
appear that the approximate proportion of infants remaining unprotected at the
end of the year was only 17.19 per cent. of the total number born during the year
throughout the province.

6.    The total expenditure for the year, including amounts paid to vaccinators
on cholera duty, was Rs. 16,466-6-6 ; it shows a decrease from the previous year
of Rs. 597-8-6. Owing to the falling off in the number of primary operations,
the average cost of each successful case increased from 2 annas 10 pie in the
previous year to 3 annas and 6 pie.

7.     During the year under report 61.5 per cent. of the total operations were
verified, and the work in 2,825 villages was inspected by the officers of the Vacci-
nation Department. This shows a marked improvement from the previous year
in supervision work. The Superintendents in the Ellichpur and Amraoti Districts
have worked well, but there still remains room for improvement in the other

8.     It is a matter for regret that all the Civil Surgeons in Berar who have
charge of the local head-quarter circle of vaccination have not paid more
attention to supervising the vaccination work within their respective charges. The
Civil Surgeons at Buldana and Wun alone appear to have devoted any time to
this important part of their duties ; while the Civil Surgeons of Basim and Ellich-
pur have completely avoided their share of supervision. As remarked by the
Commissioner no explanation is given of this neglect of duty. Mr. Cordery
desires that the Sanitary Commissioner will bring to the special notice of the
officers concerned the necessity of inspecting the work of vaccination.

9.    The work done by Hospital Assistants at Civil Dispensaries shows some
slight improvement. The total number vaccinated was 7,118, or 585 in excess
of the previous year.

The results of these operations also show similar improvement, as 89.54 per
cent. in primary operations and 42.5 in re-vaccinations were successful. During
the previous year, 87.6 and 31.7 represented the successful percentage.

The dispensaries of the Ellichpur and Basim Districts alone show any
increase in work; it is evident that the percentage of success in primary vaccina-
tions might be considerably increased. If Mr. Chamarett, in the Wun District,
could reach the high percentage of 98 by careful and personal supervision, there
does not appear to be any reason why similar success should not be obtained at
other Civil Dispensaries.

10.    The Resident is glad to hear that so many municipalities are taking
steps to introduce compulsory vaccination ; as it is, Dr. Little reports, in large towns
among influential Marwarees and Mahomedans that the greatest apathy is shown,
and it is there that mere persuasion fails. If all municipalities will take active
steps towards checking such a virulent disease, they will not only procure com-
parative immunity from small-pox for themselves, but by the example they will
afford encourage others to obtain a similar immunity.

                                                                                    (By order,)
                                                                                          W. J. CUNINGHAM,

                                                                                                      Secretary for Berar.