( 2 )

Test experiments were also undertaken both in calves inoculated with
variolous lymph and in children vaccinated from these calves by re-vaccinating
them with humanized lymph, but in every instance the result was failure,
showing that the system was protected.

Good lymph—whether obtained (1) by the artificial production of cow-pox,
(2) by retro-vaccination, or (3) by the inoculation of the cow with small-pox
virus—would appear to be equally successful, producing genuine vaccine
vesicles resembling those of ordinary vaccination.

A summary of these experiments is given in the appendix, and also a note
by the Civil Surgeon of Buldana, who kindly superintended experiment No. 3—
artificial production of cow-pox with human variola and the vaccination of
children with variola- vaccine lymph thus obtained.

Statement No. I.

3. Statement No. I shows the particulars
of vaccination during the year.

Total operations.

The total number of operations performed in the province was 105,602,
as compared with 97,158 in the previous year, or
an increase of 8,444.

These operations were distributed as follow :—

Special Vaccine Establishment ...


Dispensary do. ...


Temporary Establishment, Melghat ...


Total ...


Temporary establishment for Mel-

4. Owing to the prevalence of small-pox, no vaccinators could be spared
from the special establishment for work in the
Melghat, and as the disease was reported to be
raging in this tract, the Resident's sanction was
obtained to the employment of two vaccinators for the Melghat as a temporary
measure. The work was commenced there on the 14th of February 1889.

Special vaccination establishment.
Season's work.

5. The work performed by the special
establishment compared with that of the pre-
vious year is shown below :—



Primary vaccination ... ...



Re-vaccination ... ...



The increase in primary vaccination is in part due to an increase in the
number of births and in part to the prevalence of small-pox, inducing the
people to accept vaccination more readily.

The increase in work was general in each district with the exception of
Basim, where there was a decrease of 531 operations. The reason assigned by
the District Superintendent for this falling-off is that the work of one circle
suffered owing to the vaccinator having absented himself without leave and
another man not being appointed for two months, as well as to dilatoriness on
the part of certain other vaccinators.


6. Of the total number of persons vaccinated in the province, 50,081
were males and 46,019 females, or 52.1 per cent.
of males and 47.9 of females, against 51.0 and
49 respectively in the previous year. The increase in the proportion of males
is due to the increase in re-vaccination, which was chiefly carried on amongst