( 17 )

measure, for the local Administration, as conveyed in Secretary's letter No. 924
of May 1881, " accepted the opinion of the local officers that it would be very
inexpedient to introduce the Vaccination Act into Berar at present."

Nearly a decade has passed since the above remarks were expressed, during
which the people have become more familiarized with vaccination, which, together
with the spread of education and the general growth of knowledge during the past
ten years, have greatly weakened, if they have not altogether removed, the
popular prejudices and apprehension which led to opposition in the past. The
mass of the people are fully alive to the fact that the object of vaccination is
to control a deadly and mutilative disease, and there are few who do not admit
its efficacy to this end.

Vaccination might therefore be made compulsory without much opposition.
and in the case of the small minority who would object, it is but right that the
law should interefere, as in the case of the man who deliberately acts to the
detriment and danger of his neighbour, for, by refusing to accept vaccination,
he not only exposes his own unconscious infant to become the prey of a fatal
and mutilating disease, but he does so to the detriment of his neighbour's children
under three months old, too young to be vaccinated. It is this privilege of unre-
stricted small-pox—this " liberty of omissional infanticide " as it has been termed
by a high sanitary authority—which the law must sooner or later step in to

Vaccinators employed on cholera

25. Eighteen vaccinators were employed on
cholera duty during the season as shown in the
subjoined statement:—

TABLE No. 21.—Showing the number of vaccinators and the period employed on
                                          cholera duty.


No. of vacciuators em-
ployed on cholera

Total No. of days em-
ployed on cholera

Amraoti ... ... ...



Akola ... ... ...



Buldana ... ... ...



Basim ... ... ...



Ellichpur ... ... ...



Wun ... ... ...



* Particulars regarding the two vaccinators so employed not available,

                                                            C. LITTLE, M.D.,

                                                                  Sanitary Commissioner,

                                                                              Hyderabad Assigned Districts.