( 2 )

District work.

3. There has been an increase in each district in the total. outturn of work
as compared with the previous year, but the Am-
raoti district shows a falling-off in primary vac-
cination of 74 cases. This faliing-off is attributed to sickness amongst vaccina-
tors and to Head Vaccinator Ismail Khan having been deputed to take charge
of the Akola district on the death of Superintendent Trimbak Rao.

The ratio of success attained in the several districts in primary vaccination
ranged from 97.6 in the Ellichpur district to 91.4 in the Akola district, and in
re-vaccination from 55.7 in Buldana to 18.8 in Akola.

This discrepancy in the ratio of success in re-vaccination is unsatisfactory.
In the Buldana district, not only is the rate too high, but the number of re-vac-
cinations is too few, only 474 operations having been performed. The Superin-
tendent will be required to give more attention to this duty.

Inspection work by District Super-
intendents of Vaccination.

4. Of the total 103,796 operations, 56,888 or
54.8 per cent. were verified by Superintendents as
shown below:—


Percentage of
work verified.

Amraoti ... ... ...


Ellichpur ... ... ...


Wun ... ... ...


Basim ... ... ...


Akola ... ... ...


Buldana ... ... ...


The low rate of inspection work in the Akola district was due to the illness
and death of one Superintendent and to his successor being attacked with inflam-
mation of the lungs shortly after joining the district.

Statement II.—Strength and cost
of the Vaccination Department.

5. Statement No. II shows the strength and
cost of the department during the year.

The establishment remained the same as last year, i.e., 7 Superintendents and
48 Vaccinators.

The conduct of the staff throughout the year was on the whole satisfactory

It is usual to recommend for reward the three vaccinators who have done
the best work during the season. The men who this year head the list are—

1.   Habeeb Ally,

2.  Shaik Curreem,

3.   Mahabeer Pershad,

and the sanction of the Resident is requested to a reward of Rs. 30 being pre-
sented to each.

The total cost of the department was Rs. 16,900-15-0, or Rs. 17-2-3 in
excess of that of the previous year. The increase is due to the inclusion in the
amounts of a sum of Rs. 275-9-2 expended on a special experiment in connec-
tion with the manufacture of lanoline-vaccine.

The cost of each successful case was 3 annas, as compared with 3 annas
and 1 pie in the preceding year.

Statement III.—Dispensary vac-

6. The total number of vaccine operations performed at dispensaries was
10,366, or 2,020, more than in the preceding year.
Amraoti is the only district which shows a decrease
in work (301 cases) compared with the previous
year. The principal falling-off was at the Karanja dispensary (211 cases),
which is explained by the fact that the medical officer in charge was on three
months' leave during the cold weather, and the work was not pushed by his
locum tenens.