( 3 )

A reference to table No. 1 will show that the staff of these two districts
suffered most from the universal sickness of the year.

Statement No. II.

3. The total cost of the establishment, which is entirely met from Provincial
Funds, was Rs. 17,495-7-6, as compared with Rs.
17,234-7-10 in the previous year. The increase of
Rs. 261 is due to the increase in the establishment for the Melghat entertained
in August 1892. The pay of the sanctioned establishment amounts to Rs. 17,484
per annum. The average cost of each successful case was 2 annas 9 pies against
2 annas 7 pies last year.

Statement No. III.

4. Statement No. III is blank, dispensary vaccination having been trans-
ferred to the special establishment since July

Statement No. IV.

5. This statement shows the number of persons primarily vaccinated and
the number successfully operated upon during a
series of years and calls for no comment beyond
the fact that the numbers operated upon remain very much the same in recent
years. This may be accounted for by the fact that some 33.7 per 1,000 of the
population have been protected annually by primary vaccination for the last ten
years. The birth-rate for a similar period has been in the annual proportion of
40.74 for 1,000, so that allowing for deaths, there would not be many children in
the population unvaccinated.

Therefore, as pointed out in a previous report, vaccination in Berar has
come to that point, when fluctuations in the number of primary operations will
mainly depend upon healthy and prosperous seasons or the reverse, as affecting
the fecundity and well-being of the people.

Statement No. V.

6. Statement No. V shows particulars of the
inspection work done by the Superintendents of
the department.

Owing to breaks in my tour in connection with sanitary duties, and to an
attack of influenza with heavy complications, I was unable to inspect as much
of the vaccination work as I could have wished, but that seen, in each district,
was on the whole well done and honestly recorded. In the Basim district the
lymph in use was found to be weak and had to be renewed. This would account
for the low rate of success in this district in primary vaccination.

Of the native Superintendents, the lowest outturn of work was done by the
Akola Superintendent, and the highest by the Superintendent of Ellichpur as
shown below:—

Percentage of inspection
to total vaccinated.

Amraoti ... ...


Ellichpur ... ...


Wun ... ...


Basim ... ...


Akola ... ...


Buldana ... ...


The Akola Superintendent was in very indifferent health during the cold
season, and, moreover, owing to small-pox in his district, his inspection work
suffered, he having to personally assist in checking the spread of the disease.
Superintendent Ajaj Hoosain is an active and energetic man, and when in the
Ellichpur district always took first place in his inspection work ; his explana-
tion may, therefore, be accepted.

The Wun Superintendent died after an illness of nine days, and the appoint-
ment could not at once be filled up. The percentage of inspection work for the
province fell from 59.9 last year to 49.2 during the year under report.