Proceedings of the Chief Commissioner of Mysore, General Department,
                                    5th August 1879.


The Annual Report on Vaccination in Mysore, for the year 1878—79.

No. 3808—50, DATED BANGALORE, 5TH AUGUST 1879.

ORDER.—The constitution of the Vaccination Department has remained unaltered
during the year. The want of properly organized supervision is acknowledged, but
the remedy is not easily applied in a time of great financial pressure. The subject is
however under consideration. The number of operations performed reached 89,973
which is less by 12,007 than in the previous year. The principal cause of this de-
crease is that in the Nagar Division occasion was taken in the previous year to
vaccinate inmates of relief camps in large numbers, and this year the opportunity did
not recur to so great an extent.

2.    The percentage of successful cases was 81.31 against 83.60 in the previous
year : this decrease is ascribed to the low state of vitality of the people operated on,
but it is also reported that the lymph received from the Vaccine Institution failed
in the Nagar Division.

3.    The cost of the Department has been Rs. 10,721 which shews a propor-
tional decrease upon the year before, producing the same average cost (2 as. 4 p.)
for each successful operation.

                                                               W. J. CUNINGHAM,


To—The Dy. Surgeon General, I. M. D.,
         Mysore Division & Ceded Districts.