REPORT ON VACCINATION.                          15

number operated on during the preceding year. There would have been a still
greater increase in the amount of work had it not been for the famine, which
partly tended to interfere with vaccination. The co-operation of the Revenue and
Village officials is absolutely necessary in promoting vaccination in the district.
The largest amount of work, 781, was performed by First-class Vaccinator Balarama-
sami. Small-pox made its appearance in Russelkonda, Berhampore, and Ganjam,
and immediate steps were taken to depute Vaccinators to the infected localities,
and thus checked the further spread of the disease. Of the total, 56 were
vaccinated under one year of age, comprising 27 males and 29 females. No batta
was paid to mothers for furnishing lymph. Much difficulty is felt in procuring
lymph from the subjects operated on, as the parents refused to allow of lymph
being taken, as they say that the health of their children would be injured if such
were done. The working lymph in use was good and effective. Four vaccination
certificates were granted to candidates appearing for Government examinations.
The conduct of the staff with the exception of a few has been good. The average
cost of each successful case has been Annas 7 and Pies 10.

                                CHICACOLE CIRCLE.

During the year 3,992 operations are reported in this circle with a success of
85.1 per cent. The total shows a small increase of 529 cases when compared with
the work done during the former year. There would have been still greater
increase in the vaccine operations had it not been for cholera, which prevailed in
the circle throughout the year. The Oriyah Vaccinators have done their work
well as usual, but owing to their ignorance of English they lose all chance of
promotion. No ill-effects resulting from vaccination have been noticed. 163
infants under one year of age were vaccinated, comprising 70 males and 93
females. No batta was granted to mothers during the year for furnishing lymph.
The average cost of each successful case has been Annas 10 and Pies 6.

                        HILL TRACTS, GANJAM DISTRICT.

The Deputy Inspector attached to these hill tracts reports 2,126 operations
during the year under report with a success of 94.82 per cent., thus showing a
decrease of 2,529 cases when compared with the total number vaccinated during
the previous year. The Deputy Inspector states that this decrease was owing to
the total refusal of the Maliahs to submit themselves to the operation on account
of the famine. Many of the Maliahs are greatly opposed to vaccination, and it is
only when small-pox breaks out that they will submit to the operation. The
people who readily submit to vaccination are Sowras, Khonds, Panhoes, and Oriahs.
Much difficulty is experienced in procuring supplies of lymph from vaccinated
subjects, as the parents object greatly to lymph being taken from their children's
arms, as they are under the impression that it will do harm and injure the health
of their children. The Deputy Inspector states that the assistance of the local
authorities is absolutely necessary in extending vaccination widely among the
Maliahs, and he acknowledges with thanks the material help rendered by Mr.
W. H. Bartley, the Magistrate of Udayagiri Taluk, in promoting vaccination in his
taluk, where the number vaccinated was larger than in any other taluk. The
conduct of the staff has been reported good and satisfactory. 177 subjects were
vaccinated under one year of age during the year, comprising 85 males and 92
females. Small-pox was not reported to be prevalent during the year, and the
working lymph in use was good. 40 capillary tubes charged with fresh vaccine
lymph have been sent to medical and other officers. The want of a peon to do
the menial work attached to his office is greatly felt. The average cost of each
successful case has been Rs. 1-0-1.