16                         REPORT ON VACCINATION.

                                GODAVARI DISTRICT.

There are two circles in this district with a First-class Deputy Inspector to
each circle.

                                COCANADA CIRCLE.

The Deputy Inspector reports 12,661 operations during the year under review.
Of these 11,309 were successful, 861 unsuccessful, and 491 unknown. On
comparison with the work of the preceding year there is an increase of 4,375
cases, accounted for chiefly by the prevalence of small-pox in the circle, and to
the greater exertions of the staff with the hope of attaining the extra allowance
for each successful case above the maximum number given in the revised vaccina-
tion rules. Second-class Vaccinator K. V. Sooba Row, No. 967, performed the
largest number of operations, viz., 1,953. The Deputy Inspector states that the
obstructions to the spread of vaccination which were complained of during the
previous years are now gradually diminishing, and that the people are being
convinced of the benefits of vaccination by the severe outbreak of small-pox.
Small-pox appeared in its most virulent form, and the mortality from it was great
owing to the people not having been vaccinated. In February last small-pox was
prevalent in the town of Rajahmundry and the mortality from it was great. With
the permission of the President and the Zillah Surgeon, the Municipal Vaccinator
was aided by the Taluk Vaccinators in checking the disease in its progress, and
1,500 cases were then vaccinated. The Deputy Inspector suggests that compul-
sory vaccination be introduced into this Presidency as in Bengal and Bombay. 20
cases of small-pox after successful vaccination were seen, but in none of these cases
was it fatal. There were no changes among the staff. The conduct of the
Vaccinators has been on the whole satisfactory. The average cost of each success-
ful case has been Annas 6 and Pies 10. The Deputy Inspector states that the Local
Fund Board have sanctioned a travelling batta of 8 Annas per diem for himself,
3 Annas for both the First and Second-class Vaccinators, and 4 Annas for the
Probationary Vaccinators in consideration of their scanty pay.

                                ELLORE CIRCLE.

In this circle 5,840 operations are reported by the Deputy Inspector during
the year under notice. Of the total 5,001 were successful, 571 unsuccessful, and
268 unknown. An increase of 1,759 cases is shown this year when compared with
the work performed during the previous year. Cholera, small-pox, and other
diseases were prevalent in the circle throughout the year. The vaccine lymph in
use was reported good and effective. The Deputy Inspector states that more work
might be done if the Revenue and Native officials interested themselves in the work
of vaccination. Batta to the amount of Rupees 50-11-6 was spent on account
of mothers for furnishing vaccine lymph from the arms of their children. During
the year 45 Vaccination certificates were granted to candidates for Government
employ. The conduct of the staff with a few exceptions has been good. 343
infants under one year of age were vaccinated during the year. The average
cost of each successful operation has been Annas 6 and Pies 6.

                                KISTNA DISTRICT.

There are two circles in this district with a First-class Deputy Inspector
presiding over each.