REPORT ON VACCINATION.                                      17

                                MASULIPATAM CIRCLE.

In this circle the Deputy Inspector reports 13,958 cases during the year with
a percentage of 86.76 of success. On comparison with the work of the previous
year there is a large increase of 8,827 operations, attributable chiefly to the great
prevalence of small-pox throughout the circle and to the employment of 2 Proba-
tioners and 2 additional Vaccinators, as the present staff was found insufficient to
meet the various applications received from Tahsildars and Deputy Tahsildars. The
largest number, viz., 2,301, was performed by temporary Second-class Vaccinator
M. Kistna Row, among the whole staff. Batta to the amount of Rupees 53-9-0 was
spent during the year to mothers for furnishing vaccine lymph. The conduct of
the staff has been reported good with one or two exceptions. The cost of each
successful operation has been Annas 4 and Pies 2. Among the Vaccinators there
was one death from cholera and one resignation.

                                GUNTOOR CIRCLE.

The Deputy Inspector of this circle reports that 10,239 cases were vaccinated
during the year with a success of 93 per cent. The total shows an increase of
7,251 over that of the previous year, which is accounted for by the entertainment
of six additional Vaccinators during the year. In some parts of the circle the
people readily come forward for vaccination, but in other parts the people are very
much opposed to it. Small-pox prevailed in several places in the circle during
the whole year. The conduct of the Vaccinators has been reported good, and the
lymph in use effective. Much difficulty is experienced by Vaccinators in procuring
arm lymph from the subjects vaccinated. The Deputy Inspector states that a
great deal of work might be done if the village authorities would interest themselves
in convincing the people of the advantages of vaccination. Rupees 1-2-0 was
spent in batta to mothers of vaccinated children. The cost of each successful
case has been Annas 3 and Pies 5.

                                KURNOOL DISTRICT.

The total number vaccinated in this district is 4,347 with a success of 86
per cent., showing an increase of 1,985 cases when compared with the work
performed during the past year. This increase is mainly due to vaccination having
been carried on among the coolies in the gangs of the various relief-works through
the assistance of the Deputy Collector of Koilkunta Taluk. A larger increase
would have been shown this year had the Revenue officers of other taluks afforded
greater assistance to the Vaccinators. Obstructions of various kinds still exist in
this district to the effectual spread of vaccination. The Deputy Inspector suggests
that all Village Kurnums, Taliaries, Cuttoobadies, and other classes of servants
be required to produce vaccination certificates like other applicants seeking
admission into the Government service; in addition to this that no school-boy
should be admitted into any of the Government or aided schools unless he had
been previously vaccinated. Small-pox was prevalent throughout the year. It
broke out specially in the relief gangs and spread steadily. Immediate steps were
taken by deputing the Vaccinators to the infected localities to vaccinate all the
unprotected. The total number vaccinated under one year of age has been 517,
consisting of 266 males and 251 females. Batta to the amount of Rupees 23-14-9
was given to mothers for furnishing lymph. The conduct of the Vaccinators, with
the exception of a few, has been good. One First-class Vaccinator deserted the
district without permission and sent in his resignation. The average cost of each
successful operation has been Annas 12 and Pies 5.
