20                          REPORT ON VACCINATION.

                                        NELLORE CIRCLE.

The Deputy Inspector of this circle reports 31,280 operations with a percent-
age of 94.06 of success, and the results in 1,113 cases were unknown. The total
shows a marked increase of 14,905 cases when compared with the number vaccinated
during the preceding year. Most of the inmates of the famine relief-camps and
works established in the circle, owing to the famine, were vaccinated. The Relief
Officers of these camps rendered very material aid to the Vaccinators in extending
vaccination freely among the coolies on the works. 6 temporary Vaccinators
were employed during the year and 4 of these were confirmed ultimately as
probationers. These various causes contributed to the increase shown above.
First-class Vaccinator Vadamalay, No. 166, has vaccinated the highest number, viz.,
4,468 cases. Obstructions of the kind reported last year are still in existence, and
the people believe small-pox to be their goddess, and that the practice of vaccination
is wrong. The Deputy Inspector suggests that vaccination be rendered compulsory
in this Presidency as in England. Small-pox broke out throughout the district and
the mortality was great, especially among the famine-stricken people. Every means
were taken to arrest the disease. The Deputy Inspector states that village officials,
such as Munsifs, Headmen and Kurnums, &c., be compelled to get themselves vacci-
nated to set an example to their villagers, who look to them for advice and orders.
967 subjects under one year of age were vaccinated, comprising 464 males and 503
females. Infantile vaccination is backward in the district, as the parents refuse to
have their children operated on on the plea of tender age. 60 vaccination certificates
were granted to candidates appearing for examination ; 41 of these had marks of
vaccination and 19 of small-pox. The conduct of the staff has been good and the
working lymph in use effective. The cost of each successful case has been Annas
1 and Pies 7. The Deputy Inspector states that the Local Fund Board have
sanctioned the services of a peon and travelling batta of 12 Annas per diem for
himself, 4 Annas for the First-class, 2 Annas for the Second-class, and 1 Anna for
Probationary Vaccinators for every day actually travelled.

                                        ONGOLE CIRCLE.

During the year under review 12,312 cases have been vaccinated in this circle.
Of these 11,369 were successful, 358 unsuccessful, and 585 unknown. The total
shows an increase of 3,477 operations when compared with the work of the past year,
and the Deputy Inspector states that this increase is mainly due to the exertions
of the staff and the employment of 8 extra hands as probationers during the year.
Small-pox of a virulent type was prevalent in all parts of the circle and energetic
measures were adopted to arrest the disease. The inhabitants of the circle are
quite ignorant of the benefits accruing from vaccination, and frivolous excuses are
constantly advanced by them when a Vaccinator appears for the purpose of
vaccinating children. The Deputy Inspector suggests that vaccination be made
compulsory. 6 temporary Vaccinators were employed by the Local Fund Board, and
they give a total of 1,430 operations with a percentage of 92.37 of success, and
the results in 110 cases were unknown. The conduct of the staff has been reported
good with the exception of temporary First-class Vaccinator R. Venkatasawmy, who
was degraded by the President, Local Fund Board, for neglect of duty. Vaccine
lymph is reported good, and the number of infants vaccinated under one year of
age is 621. No cases of small-pox after successful vaccination have occurred
during the year.

                                NORTH ARCOT DISTRICT.

This district comprises two circles with a First-class Deputy Inspector to each.