22                         REPORT ON VACCINATION.

Vellore Circle Vaccinators, and returned to Madras the same evening to get
through some office work. Dr. Shortt was again at Arcot on the 15th December
1877, where he inspected the children's nursery and found the work good, and
returned to Madras on the 17th. Proceeded again to Arcot on the 21st, and
examined 6 cases in the famine camp and found them good.

                                        VELLORE CIRCLE.

The Deputy Inspector reports 27,832 operations in this circle with a percentage
of 94.34 of success, showing a large increase of 20,876 cases over that of the
previous year. This increase is attributable partly to the greater exertions of the
vaccinating staff and partly to the ready assistance rendered by the Famine Relief
Officers, and also to the payment of batta to children vaccinated. Obstructions of
various kinds still prevail in parts of the circle where people are not fully
acquainted with the benefits resulting from vaccination, and the Deputy Inspector
suggests. that the operations should be rendered compulsory. Small-pox made its
appearance during the year, but the mortality from the disease was not great.
Rupees 139-11-6 were spent on relief-works at Vellore, and 5,045 cases were
vaccinated by money payments. In the several relief-camps 10,020 cases were
operated on at a cost of Rupees 70. The Deputy Inspector acknowledges
with thanks the material assistance given by the Collector Mr. Whiteside, Mr.
W. P. Austin, the Sub-Collector, and the several Relief Officers. The number of
infants vaccinated under one year of age was 1,422, comprising 703 males and 719
females. Rupees 4-4-0 were spent as batta to mothers of vaccinated children for
furnishing arm lymph. 12 vaccination certificates were granted to candidates for
Government employ. The average cost of each successful case is Anna 1 and
Pies 7. Among the Vaccinators there were one transfer, two resignations, and
one dismissal. The President, Local Fund Board, has sanctioned some additional
Vaccinators to work in the several relief-camps at the suggestion of the Vice-
President. These Vaccinators show a total of 3,837 operations ; among these 1,827
cases were vaccinated by payment of batta to children amounting to Rupees
41-13-5. The conduct of the staff of Vaccinators has been generally good. On
the 25th July Dr. Shortt arrived at Arni with the Deputy Inspector. The
Jaghiredar's Vaccinator reported sick, and he did not attend till the evening of the
26th, when he reported himself with no lymph whatever on the plea of sickness.
Arrived at Polur on the next morning, where the Deputy Inspector produced
two Vaccinators with several good eighth-day subjects and some old cases. Inspected
the equipments of the Vaccinators, and left for Wandiwash, where, on the 28th, saw
two good eighth and ninth-day subjects. Returned to Arni again on the 29th, and the
Jaghiredar's Vaccinator produced then a good seventh-day case. Inspected the cases
brought by one Second-class Vaccinator of Arcot Taluk and another of Wandiwash
and their equipments, and left for Vellore during the night. On the 30th proceeded
to the relief-camp at Vellore, and inspected a large number of good eighth-day cases
and of old cases. Saw Major Liardett and Mr. Austin, the Sub-Collector, on the
subject of vaccination. Inspected on the way to Vellore several excellent eighth-
day cases of the Municipal Vaccinators in the trench at Vellore. On the 31st visited
the Central Jail with the Civil Surgeon, and inspected during the day one subject
brought by the Municipal Vaccinatrix, the equipments of 3 Vaccinators, and left
for Arcot the same evening.

                                        SALEM DISTRICT.

In this district there are two circles, one being presided over by a First-class
Deputy Inspector and the other a Second-class Deputy Inspector.