6                              VACCINATION REPORT.

I regret to say that the work decreased in seven districts—

Anantapur.—The decrease of 458 cases, compared with the figures for the
previous year, is attributed to the great opposition to vaccination, vaccinators
having been maltreated more than once; to the staff being incomplete; and to
severe cholera in July, August and September.

Chingleput.—There was a decrease of 5,257 cases. The decrease occurred
almost entirely in the Chingleput range where the Deputy Inspector was in failing
health; he has since been compelled to retire.

Cuddapah.—The decrease of 626 cases is said to be due to the prevalence of
fever from December onwards.

Gódávari.—The decrease was due entirely to short work in the Pittapore
range, where, owing to unavoidable causes, three different deputies held charge
during the year.

Kistna.—Small-pox was less prevalent; this and the apathy of the revenue
officials are said to account for the decrease of 872 cases.

Kurnool.—The large decrease of 3,931 cases is attributed to cholera, fever
and general distress in the district. The Cumbum deputy died during the year.
The Kurnool deputy was in bad health and has since been transferred.

Tanjore.—The decrease was confined to the Negapatam range. It is said to
be due to irregular supply of calves, and to a decrease in the minimum number of
cases which each vaccinator has to turn out.

In some cases, no doubt, the frequent changes of medical officers operated
injuriously on the work of vaccination.

10. The following table shows the proportion of males to females vaccinated
by Local Fund agency:—