2               19TH JULY 1893, Nos. 1585, 1586 L., LOCAL AND MUNICIPAL.

The total number of operations performed in 1892-93 exceeded that in 1891-92
by 111,121 cases or 10.5 per cent. There was, however, a continued and lamentable
decline in the work done by the Government vaccinators in the Agency tracts.

The decision to make vaccination discretionary in dispensaries naturally caused a
reduction under class (e).

The average cost of successful cases was reduced by 2 pies and stood at As. 3-5,
a result which is ascribed by the Inspector to the use of glycerine paste in the
place of lymph taken direct from the calf. In separate proceedings (G.O., dated
19th May 1893, No. 1102 L.), the Government has ordered the maintenance of
statistics in regard to glycerine paste, as the evidence, while showing the excellence
and cheapness of the medium of preservation favoured by Dr. Dymott, does not, in
the opinion of the Governor in Council, establish its superiority over lanoline in cases
where the vaccine paste has to be kept for long periods.

The total number of cases verified by the deputy Inspectors rose from 524,571
to 597,527. The energy displayed by the deputy Inspector of the Trichinopoly
range, who is said to have verified 24,130 cases, is noted.

3.  If the figures relating to the cantonments of Bangalore and Secunderabad
are excluded, the total number of operations performed during the year was 32.5 per
mille of the population according to the census of 1891. Infantile vaccination appears
to have received increased attention, as the number of children of less than a year old
who were successfully vaccinated exceeded that of the previous year by 48,807 and
was 31.1 per cent. of the total number of births registered. The report should, in
future, contain information regarding the births in the several areas dealt with, as
in the absence of this, it is not possible to determine in what localities infantile
vaccination received attention and where it was neglected.

4.  The work done by the Government vaccinators in the agency tracts showed a
further decline as compared with the previous year, although there was some improve-
ment in Peddápuram and Gunupur. The average number of operations performed by
a vaccinator in all these tracts taken together was only 688 against 750 and 778
in the two preceding years, while the average in the case of individual agencies
ranged between 331 in Gudem and 990 in Gunupur. The explanation offered by the
Inspector of Vaccination in paragraph 13 of the report insufficiently accounts for the
decline. Endeavours should be made to obtain better results.

5.  Local Fund areas.—There was a net increase of 107,690 or 12.5 per cent. in
the number of operations performed by Local Fund vaccinators and the average out-
turn of work per vaccinator was 1,449 cases against 1,302 in 1891-92. The falling
off in Anantapur, Chingleput, Cuddapah, Gódávari, Kistna and Kurnool, that in
Chingleput being very marked, is noted with dissatisfaction. In the case of Kurnool,
moreover, the outturn has been exceedingly short for two years in succession. The
explanations in paragraph 9 of the report cannot be regarded as adequate. The
average number of operations performed by vaccinators was highest in Trichino-
poly (3,085), while in Kurnool, Madura and Tinnevelly it was 2,162, 2,039 and 2015,
respectively. The other districts which showed more than 1,500 cases for each
vaccinator are South Arcot (1,792), South Canara (1,736), Coimbatore (1,691),
Chingleput (1,596), North Arcot (1,506), while in Anantapur, Ganjám and Gódávari
the average was less than a thousand. The quality of the work also improved, 95
per cent. of the operations having been successful against 93 per cent. in 1891-92.
The average cost of successful cases was As. 3-1 against As. 3-4 in the previous
year, ranging from As. 5-5 in Bellary to As. 1-11 in South Canara. In Anantapur,
Cuddapah, Gódávari, Kurnool and Nellore it was also above As. 4. The Presidents
of the District Boards concerned should take the necessary steps for effecting a
reduction. The work done in the different districts will be more fully noticed in
reviewing the administration reports of the Boards.