19TH JULY 1893, Nos. 1585, 1586 L., LOCAL AND MUNICIPAL.                3

6.   Municipalities.—Vaccination was compulsory in 52 Municipalities. It was
introduced into 5 of these in the course of the year under review. The Government
cannot regard the progress within municipal areas as at all satisfactory. In no less
than 19 towns the number of operations performed was smaller than in 1891-92, and
in Adóni, Bimlipatam, Cuddapah, Guntúr, Srírangam and Vizagapatam the decline
has lasted for two years in succession. The special attention of the Councils
concerned is drawn to the matter. The decrease of so many as 5,360 cases in Trichi-
nopoly is attributed to the discontinuance of the practice of vaccinating persons who
attend the markets from outlying parts. The fact that the average outturn of work
for each vaccinator in the Municipalities was only 974 against 1,449 in Local Fund
areas is in itself a clear proof of the indifference of the majority of the Municipal
Councils in this important matter. The average was high in Madura (1,718),
Bezwada (1,642), Vizagapatam (1,534) and Salem (1,513), while in Anantapur,
Bimlipatam, Chidambaram, Karúr, Kurnool, Ongole, Tiruppattúr and Vániyambádi,
where it was less than 500, the results are discreditable to those concerned.

The Government will take into consideration the introduction of the compul-
sory system into Bimlipatam, Karúr and Cochin Municipalities; in the towns in
which this system is in force, much depends on the Chairman. If he takes a
real interest in the spread of vaccination and uses judgment in instituting prosecutions
in cases in which there is persistent and obstinate failure to comply with the provi-
sions of the Act, ultimate success will be assured. The average cost of successful
cases was the same (As. 5-1) as in the previous year; even in this respect
municipal vaccination compares unfavourably with that in Local Fund areas where
the cost was two annas less. In Bimlipatam, Coonoor, Cuddapah, Dindigul, Gudi-
yáttam, Kumbakónam, Kurnool and Tirupati the average exceeded eight annas ; in
Anakápalle, Cochin, Coimbatore, Ellore, Mangalore, Palni, Salem, Srírangam and
Trichinopoly, it was below three. Every endeavour should be made by the Muni-
cipal Councils concerned to reduce the rate. The total number of operations in
Madras was 21,421 against 22,451 in 1891-92, the percentage of successful cases 98.6
against 98.7, and the cost of each such case As. 6-3 against As. 6-7. The decline
occurred chiefly under infantile vaccination; there may have been causes of which
Government is not aware to bring about this fall, but the attention of the Municipal
Commissioners should be given to the matter, lest the good results which have followed
the labours of the past nine years may be sacrificed. The work done in the several
Municipalities will, as usual, be more fully noticed in the reviews of the administra-
tion reports.

7.   Vaccination with animal lymph.—The total number of operations performed
with animal lymph was 884,525, and of these 832,021 or 94.1 per cent, were
successful, the corresponding figures for the previous year being 674,148, 609,229
and 90.4. The increase is satisfactory. No less than 76 per cent. of the total number
of operations in the presidency against 64 per cent. in 1891-92 were performed with
animal lymph. The work done by the medical subordinates with animal lymph was
inferior in comparison with that of the previous year both in quantity and quality.
The falling off in the number of operations is no doubt due to the cause already men-
tioned (paragraph 2 supra), but there is no reason why the quality of the work should
compare so unfavourably with that of other vaccine agencies. The Surgeon-General
is requested to report the circumstances under which the stock of tubes, the mainte-
nance of which at the Medical Stores was ordered in Proceedings, dated 12th October
1892, No. 6453, Military Department, has failed.

8. General Remarks.—The scheme for reorganizing the Vaccination department
prepared by the Sanitary Commissioner was submitted in November last, but as it did
not contain complete information in regard to the system in force in other provinces
and was also in other respects open to objection, a fuller report on the subject has been
required in G.O., dated 25th May 1893, No. 1148 L. The suggestion in paragraph 27