Of the 303 re-vaccination operations, 32.67 per cent proved successful, and
care was taken that as far as possible only cases of real re-vaccinations were
entered as such.

The Civil Surgeon spent 44 days in camp, visited 230 villages and inspected
4,821 vaccinated persons: he returns the percentage of success as 85.1 instead of
97.10 claimed by the vaccinators.

This difference was due chiefly to the occurrence of a large number of cases
in which although the vesicles were doubtfully developed the result had been
entered as successful. In a good many cases he found the results had been
entered without proper inspection by the vaccinators, but in only very few had
unsuccessful cases been entered as successful. The registers were found correct,
and in the villages which the Civil Surgeon visited he found most of the chil-
dren under 10 years of age vaccinated.

The Native Superintendent spent 160 days on tour, visited 542 villages, and
inspected 11,242 vaccinated persons; he is very favourably reported of by the
Civil Surgeon.

The bulk of the people accept vaccination if not with intelligent or great
good will at least as an established custom, but members of the Borah, Bun-
niah and other exclusive classes do all in their power to conceal and protect their
children when Vaccinators are in the neighbourhood: there has not been any
instance of pronounced opposition.

The Civil Surgeon acknowledges the assistance afforded by the Malguzars
of Rustumpur, Songir and Mundi.

                         DISPENSARY VACCINATION.

There was a falling off in the number of operations performed by Hospital
Assistants, the numbers being 372 as compared with 413 in the previous season.
This decrease is due to the Medical Officer of the Khandwa and Burhanpur
dispensaries having been relieved of Vaccination work entirely and to the area
of work for those at the other dispensaries having been confined to the limits of
their towns.


Can scarcely be said to have appeared in this district: one case occurred in
the town of Khandwa in the person of a girl who had apparently acquired the
disease while on a visit to Holkar's territory. No death from the disease was
reported. The Civil Surgeon remarks that " Dr. Cullen's continued efforts have
" familiarized the people with vaccination so that it is now generally accepted.
" The result is that small-pox has ceased to be an important factor in the mor-
" tality of the district."

58. Betul. —Vaccination was kept up till the beginning of September when
the lymph became inactive. The English lymph did not yield quite satisfac-
tory results, but a supply was obtained from Khandwa and Chhindwara, and
by the end of October each Vaccinator had a supply sufficient to commence
work with.

The number of primary operations was 126 less than that of the previous
season, and under the head of re-vaccination there was a decrease of no less than