No. 7134.

Extract from the Proceedings of the Chief Commissioner, Central Provinces,
in the General Department, dated Pachmarhi, the 20th September


The Annual Statements of Vaccination Operations in the Central Provinces for the year
1894-95, with Notes by the Sanitary Commissioner.


The District Reports.


The area under voluntary vaccination showed no increase during the year,
but compulsory vaccination was extended to the following municipalities :—

Pauni (Bhandara District).




(Saugor District).





Tumsar (Bhandara District).

Its adoption by the towns of Wardha and Mandla is also in prospect. The
number of vaccinations performed in municipalities rose from 14,094 to 17,280,
not a sufficient increase, however, considering the large number of municipalities
to which the Act has been applied during the last two years, to show a very rigid
enforcement of the rules. During the year under report 351,791 primary opera-
tions were performed as against 323,989 during the year 1893-94, and a total
number of 399,879 as against 377,145. This increase in primary operations
is an improvement on last year, when primary operations showed a decrease of
16,171 from the figures of the year before. Re-vaccinations, on the other hand,
fell by 5,068.

2. Turning to districts, the only marked decrease is in Nimar, where the
number of primary operations fell by 2,571, (2,616 according to the district
report). The proportion protected is high in this district, and the number of
vaccinations is considered adequate having regard to the children available.
In Mandla, on the other hand, only 4,855 children under one year were operated
upon out of 9,320 available. In Damoh a small decrease is ascribed to migra-
tion of families and increased mortality and sickness among young children
owing to failure of crops. A like explanation is offered for a decrease in Bala-



Saugor ...



Narsinghpur ...



Chhindwara ...



Seoni ...



3.    The general percentage of success as shown by vaccinators shows an

improvement on last year's figures, having risen
from 95.28 to 96.31. Testings of operations made
by Civil Surgeons, however, showed for last year a
percentage of 88.76 successes, but for the present
year of 86.67 only. Saugor and Narsinghpur

show the best results, Seoni and Chhindwara the worst. The percentage of
success given by Civil Surgeons has decreased from 93.11 in 1892-93 to 88.76
in 1893-94 and 86.67 in the year under report. This considerable diminution
may perhaps be ascribed to greater efficiency of check. There is no doubt
room for greater accuracy in the returns of success, and this can only be
ensured by inspection by Civil Surgeons. Jubbulpore again shows by far the
largest amount of inspection (13,400). Seoni (1,625) shows the smallest num-
ber of inspections, but Raipur the smallest percentage (4.40).

4.    The results of lanoline, as reported by the various Civil Surgeons, seem
most variable. The Civil Surgeon of Nagpur has given an interesting account
of the different measure of success obtained in different cases even from the