
STATEMENT No. I.—Showing particulars of vaccination in the Central Pro-
vinces and Berar during the year 1904-05 ... ... ...

ii to vii

STATEMENT NO. II.—Showing the cost of the Department in the Central Pro-
vinces and Berar during the year 1904-05 ... ... ...

viii & ix

STATEMENT NO. III —Showing Dispensary Vaccination in the Central Pro-
vinces during the year 1904-05 ... ... ... ...

x & xi

STATEMENT No. IV.—Showing the number of persons primarily vaccinated
and the number of those persons who were successfully vaccinated in the
Central Provinces and Berar since 1895 ... ... ...

xii & xiii

STATEMENT No. V.—Showing particulars of vaccination verified by Inspecting
Officers during the year 1904-05 ... ... ...

xiv & xv

APPENDIX A.—Statement showing the statistics relating to the number of
children under one year of age in the Municipal towns of the Central
Provinces and Berar available for vaccination, and the number of success-
ful operations performed on them in 1904-05 ..0.... ...

xvi & xvii

Appendix B.—Statement showing the annual mortality from small-pox for
seven years and the annual proportions of persons protected by vaccination
during each of the seven years ending 1904-05 ... ... ...

xviii & xix

Appendix C.—Diagram showing the death-rates from small-pox per 10,000
of population during the year 1904-05, the average rate of mortality from
small-pox per 10,000 of population for the five years ending 1903-04, and
the proportion of successful vaccinations during the year 1904-05 and the
preceding six years in each district of the Central Provinces and Berar ...