16. Total cost of the department. Statement II.—
The total cost of vaccination incurred during the triennium under
review is Rs. 5,34,789-9-3 against Rs. 3,97,305-5-9 in the preced-
ing triennium. The increase in the expenditure is due to the
payments made to the staff at the increased rate according to the
time-scale of pay sanctioned by Government and also on account
of coolie allowance and rewards to vaccinators. The diminished
amount of work also has raised the cost per head. In consequence
of this, the cost per successful case rose from Re, 0-6-7 in
1920-21 to Re. 0-7-6 in 1921-22 and to Re 0-8-3 in 1922-23. If
the sale-proceeds of lymph and calves is taken into account,
the cost per successful case stands at Re. 0-7-9 in 1922-23
against Re. 0-6-8 in 1921-22 and Re. 0-6-1 in 1920-21.

17. Only glycerinated calf lymph prepared at the Vaccine
Institute was used. The supply was reported to be satisfactory
and the lymph good. The reports on the working of this Institute
for 1920-21 and 1921-22 were incorporated in the notes for those
years. The following is a report on the working of the Institute
for the year 1922-23 submitted by the Superintendent Mr. A. F.
C. Gomes, who has now been replaced by a senior grade Military
Assistant Surgeon Captain F. G. H. Deeks, I.M D. :—

" The whole province comprising 22 districts and Raigarh,
Sirguja and Bhopal States were supplied regularly with vaccine
lymph on indents, and casual supplies were given to all the other
feudatory states of the province, to the railways, to the jails and
to the military and mission hospitals. There were 231 calves
successfully vaccinated during the year and the total yield of
pulp amounted to 8047.39 grammes equivalent to 702,380 doses
of vaccine. In all 454,945 doses were issued to the vaccinators
of 22 districts and 60,340 doses to others including Sirguja,
Raigarh and Bhopal States.

" The average purchase price per calf was Rs. 13 and on the
average Rs. 10 was realised per calf on sale in the local bazaars.
The total expenditure incurred was Rs. 24,354-0-5 of which
Rs. 11,128-15-11 were spent on salaries and travelling allowances
and the rest in contingencies. Rs. 12,641-1-9 were realised
during the year as follows : —




On sale of vaccine lymph ...




„ „ calves ...




and the rest as miscellaneous.

" The Assistant Superintendent conducted the training class
and 22 new vaccinators were trained and given certificates of
efficiency in vaccination and sanitation by the Director of Public
Health, Central Provinces and Berar.