and steps are required to make good this defect especially as local
bodies have now delegated powers of executive and technical control
to them and will expect a reasonable standard of supervision.

In towns Sanitary Inspectors are notified as additional
superintendents, but this branch of their work is almost neglected
by them. Committees who pay for this work to be done should
see that their money is not wasted.

The question of making vaccination compulsory in rural areas
is being urged and will be examined.

Now that Civil Surgeons are, at the request of the local bodies
themselves, acting as executive officers and technical advisers
in vaccination all complaints of refusal and obstruction should be
made known to the local body concerned as well as to the Deputy
Commissioner. Reports should not be made direct to the tahsildar.
Annual reports should moreover henceforth be sent to this office
through local bodies as well as through district officials so that
they may be informed of every thing that is taking place

The Civil Surgeon, Akola, feels the need for a district sani-
tary officer and proposes that a sub-assistant surgeon should
take the place of the assistant superintendent of vaccination in
this capacity. The above report in my opinion emphasises the
need for separate district health officers to look after vaccination
registration, school inspection, epidemic outbreaks, health pro-
paganda, etc I am quite sure that the work requires such an
officer and that the local bodies would rise to a consciousness of the
needs and responsibilities of public health if they had their own
whole-time expert to help and advise them.

The reports of Lieut.-Col. Fowler and Major Warwick,
I.M.S., are most useful while Captain Perdriau has also written an
excellent report.

The delay in submitting this report is due to the late receipt
of the district reports—as rural vaccination work ends in March,
district reports should be easily compiled by the 25th April.

                                   T. G. N. STOKES, M.B., LT.-COL., I.M.S.,

                                                                      Director of Public Health,

                                                                                               Central Provinces.


The 28 July 1923.