IN THE

    Central Provinces and Berar during the year 1924-25.

Introductory.—As this is only the second year of the trien-
nial period 1923—26, this report deals only briefly with the vacci-
nation work performed in 1924-25, as compared with the previous
year 1923-24.

2.    Administration.—The department was administered by
Lieutenant-Colonel T. G. N. Stokes, I.M.S., till the 17th February
1925, when I took over charge.

3.    Establishment.—The number of assistant superinten-
dents of vaccination remained the same as in the previous year, viz.,
37, but the staff of vaccinators was increased by three (from 301 to
304) one each in the districts of Bhandara, Chanda and Buldana.

4.    Total number of vaccinations performed.—The
total number of vaccinations performed both primary and re-vacci-
nations in the province during the season was 521,116 against
501,398 in 1923-24, or an increase of 19,718. The only districts
that performed a fewer number of operations than in the previous
year were Hoshangabad which shows a total decrease of 2,970,
Narsinghpur 2,552, Nimar 1,327, Damoh 870, Raipur 760 and Bala-
ghat 293. In Hoshangabad the fall is ascribed partly to the
decrease in the total number of births. In Narsinghpur and Nimar
the decrease is due to the slackness of vaccinators. The decline
in the number of primary and re-vaccinations by 577 and 293,
respectively, in Damoh is attributed partly to the continuing apathy
of the villagers towards vaccination and partly to lack of super-
vision owing to the retirement of the assistant superintendent of
vaccination. In Raipur the diminished supervision by Civil
Surgeon (as there were five changes in Civil Surgeons) partly
accounts for the slackness of work. In Balaghat re-vaccinations
decreased by 940 whereas primary vaccinations increased by 647 ;
the total decrease however is not very marked and does not call
for any comment.

5.    The other districts show an increase, the largest being in
Chanda and Bilaspur which record an increase of 5,127 and 4,024
vaccinations, respectively. In Chanda district the progress seems
satisfactory and the local bodies take a real interest in the vacci-
nation work. In this connection the Deputy Commissioner remarks
that the Civil Surgeon and his staff and all the local bodies of the
district are to be congratulated on a successful year's work. In
Bilaspur the increase is attributed to the drastic action taken