against the vaccinators and vigorous supervision exercised during
the year. Similarly, the Drug Report shows decided improvement
in its figure. In Chhindwara district the standard of work is
satisfactory, as in spite of the prevalence of plague in Sausar tahsil
during the vaccination season there was an increase of 2,250
vaccinations, and the Commissioner remarks that the Civil Sur-
geon is to be congratulated on the good results achieved.

6.    Vaccination by the special staff.—The vaccination
staff performed 519,991 operations, of which 472,135 were primary
and 47,856 were re-vaccinations. Compared with the preceding
years 1922-23 and 1923-24, primary vaccinations show an increase
of 85,057 and 14,116, respectively. Although the work shows an
improvement, there are large number of children remaining
unvaccinated in several districts, as for instance, Raipur, where the
number reported is 14,407, Bilaspur 11,157, Saugor 9,637,
Yeotmal 7,779, Buldana6,728, Jubbulpore 6,654, Akola 6,344 and
Drug 6,185. It is hoped that Civil Surgeons will adopt definite
measures to have as many unprotected children as possible vacci-
nated. From the returns submitted to this office, I see that many
vaccinators did not perform even the minimum number of opera-
tions prescribed (2,000) and very few did over 3,000. The pay of
the staff has been considerably improved and they ought to give
sufficient outturn.

7.    In Bhandara district the Council have not yet paid the
vaccinators according to the time-scale, nor has cooly allowance
been allowed to these men. To treat the staff unfairly or with
indifference will produce undesirable results.

8.   Dispensary vaccination and vaccination by other
agencies.—During the season, the medical officer in charge of
the Jail Hospital at Nagpur and the assistant medical officer in
charge of the Cantonment Hospital, Pachmarhi, carried out
vaccination work; likewise the assistant medical officers attached
to the dispensary towns at Akot and Telhara (Akola district) and
Deulgaon Raja (Buldana district) performed vaccinations, as, owing
to the outbreak of small-pox in these towns, these assistant
medical officers were authorized to do vaccination work. The
total number of operations performed by these officers was 243
primary, and 159 re-vaccinations. The Railway Medical Officers
at Nagpur, Chanda, Nagbhir, Bina and Raipur did 240 primary,
and 150 re-vaccinations. At the Coal Mines, Chhindwara, 316
primary vaccinations were performed.

9.    Cost of department.—The total cost of the depart-
ment rose from Rs. 196,210-3-6 to Rs. 205,012-2-7 during the year.