The increase was under the head contingencies. The cost of
each successful case was annas 6 and pies 11 against annas 6 and
pies 10 during the year 1923-24. Excluding the expenditure
incurred in connection with the Vaccine Institute, Nagpur, the cost
per successful case stands at annas 6 against annas 5 and pies 11
in the preceding year.

10.    Supply of lymph—Only glycerinated calf lymph
prepared at the Vaccine Institute was used. The supply was
reported to be satisfactory and the lymph good.

11.    The following is a report on the working of the Institute
for the year 1924-25, submitted by the Superintendent, Major
F G. H Deeks, I.M.D. :-

" One hundred and eighty two calves were successfully
operated on yielding a total of 5,351.63 grammes of pulp,
equivalent to 25,405 c.c. lymph or 508,100 doses. The cost per
dose of lymph manufactured was 9 pies. The balance on hand on
31st March 1924 was 429,825 doses. The average purchase
price per calf was Rs. 13 and the average amount realized
when sold, was Rs 10; a loss of Rs. 3 per calf may be considered
satisfactory. Twenty-six calves, infected with Piroplasmosis
were sold without being operated on. The cost of these 26 calves
was Rs. 349 ; and the amount realized on sale was Rs. 274.

"The whole province of 22 districts and the States of
Rai arh, Sirguja, and Bhopal, Military units, Railways, Jails,
the Labour Association of Central Provinces and Berar and
Military and Mission Hospitals were supplied with lymph on
indents. 554,365 doses were supplied to Vaccinators and 42,155
doses to the States and others making the total of 596,520 doses—
Balance on hand on 31st March 1925, was 301,865 doses. Results;
Primary vaccination, case success 99 per cent; insention success
92 per cent; re-vaccination case success 60 per cent; insertion
success 48 per cent

"Total expenditure incurred was Rs. 27,801-15-3 of which
Rs. 14,797-7-0 were spent on salaries and travelling allowances ;
the remainder on contingencies. Total receipts amounted to
Rs. 22,120-4-10-made up as follows : Sale of lymph Rs. 19,624 10-0;
sale of calves, Rs. 2,202-12-0; Miscellaneous Rs 298-14-10.
The value of lymph in storage on 1st April 1925 was Rs. 9,433-4-0.

"Eighteen candidates were trained in Vaccination,
Epidemiology and Hygiene ; of these 13 were 4th grade proba-
tionary vaccinators who went through a six months' course and
5 assistant superintendents of vaccination who had one month's
course. Two sanitary inspectors went through a fortnight's