course in vaccination only. The sanitary inspectors sought
private training. All the above passed an examination held by
the Director of Public Health, after the course. The assistant
superintendent conducted the training classes."

12.    Inspection of vaccination.—During the year the
Civil Surgeons inspected 7.82 per cent of the primary and 5.81 of
the re-vaccinations against 7.28 and 7.21,respectively, in the previous
season. For Civil Surgeons the prescribed period of vaccination
tour is six weeks, i.e., 42 days, but in several districts this standard
does not seem to have been maintained. In Nagpur and Jubbul-
pore the Civil Surgeons could not do much touring in their districts
for inspection purposes owing to work at the headquarters. In
Jubbulpore, however, the Assistant to Civil Surgeon spent some
days (24) on tour for vaccination inspection. In Saugor, the Civil
Surgeon toured for 8 days only, while in Damoh, Nimar, Raipur
and Yeotmal the touring was done for 14, 13, 6 and 13 days,
respectively. In Saugor and Raipur districts the less amount of
touring done is attributed to the number of changes in Civil
Surgeons during the year.

13.    There is urgent need for more effective supervision of
the work of the vaccination staff and the Government has therefore
withdrawn the restrictions on the touring of Civil Surgeons. It is
hoped that these officers will not overlook the orders alloting six
weeks for their vaccination tours during October to March.

14.    The assistant superintendents and others such as the
Assistant to Civil Surgeons, epidemic dispensary assistant
medical officers and sanitary inspectors in municipal towns
inspected 55.29 per cent of the primary and 23.45 of the re-vaccina-
tions as compared with 49.43 and 21.09, respectively, in 1923-24.
In some districts the amount of touring done by the assistant
superintendents of vaccination is unsatisfactory and must be con-
siderably increased. For instance in Bilaspur one of the assistant
superintendents of vaccination was on tour for only 89 days
during the season; in Hoshangabad the assistant superintendent
of vaccination toured for 119 days ; in Jubbulpore for 107 days ;
in Akola for 122 days. These men seem to have spent much of
the time at headquarters. As a rule every assistant superinten-
dent of vaccination ought to spend at least 135 days in every
season on inspection tours and Civil Surgeons should see that time
is not wasted at headquarters but that assistant superintendents
make out definite programmes, carry them out and inspect not less
than 50 per cent of the work done by vaccinators, as the outturn
of vaccination work depends mostly on the amount of energy,