could not as usual do much touring for inspection purposes
owing to work at headquarters. In Hoshangabad the less
touring is attributed to the transfers of Civil Surgeons. In
several districts it is noticed that the prescribed period of
vaccination tour, viz., six weeks was not maintained and it
is hoped that Civil Surgeons will see that the rules allotting
six weeks for vaccination touring will not be overlooked in

13.    The Assistant Superintendents and others such as
the Assistants to Civil Surgeons, epidemic dispensary Assistant
Medical Officers and Sanitary Inspectors in municipal towns
inspected 56.46 per cent of the primary and 24.88 of the
re-vaccinations as against 58.50 and 27.62 in the preceding
year. In some districts the amount of touring done by the
Assistant Superintendents of Vaccination is not satisfactory
and must be considerably increased; as for instance in
Hoshangabad the Assistant Superintendent of Vaccination
was on tour for 93 days and it is stated that the man being of
very advanced age is unable to tour properly ; in Nimar the
Assistant Superintendent of Vaccination toured for 88 days;
in Damoh 121 days ; in Yeotmal one of the Assistant
Superintendents of Vaccination was on tour for 128 days.
As a rule every Assistant Superintendent of Vaccination
ought to spend at least 135 days in every vaccination season
on inspection tours and the Civil Surgeons should see that
these orders are rigidly enforced.

14.    Percentage of success in primary and re-
vaccination.—The percentage of success recorded by
vaccinators was 90.40 for primary and 50.12 for re-vaccina-
tions against 98.21 and 54.28, respectively, in 1926-27. The
Civil Surgeons and Assistant Superintendents during their
inspections found 90.91 and 87.63 success for primary and
44.57 and 42.14 for re-vaccinations against 96.96 and 94.65
for primary and 35.51 and 43.12 for re-vaccinations in the
preceding year. The less percentage during the year is due
to the fact that in accordance with the instructions issued by
my predecessor children with 1 and 2 marks have been
classified as unsuccessful while in previous years they were
classified as successful.

15.   Vaccination performed in municipal towns.—
In 1927-28 the births registered in municipal towns and