words of advice. In this connection the Civil Surgeon,
Jubbulpore, remarks: —

"During the year 1,502 persons were reported to the Deputy
Commissioner for action. Out of these only 5 were vaccinated.
As the law stands, it seems pure waste of time to make these
notifications as there are no legal powers to enforce compliance."

13.    The scheme for making vaccination compulsory
in selected rural areas is under the consideration of
the Government.

14.    Revaccinations.—During the year 1928-29 the
number of revaccinations performed was 72,946 against
64,850 in 1927-28 and 82,603 in 1926-27. As compared
with the previous triennium, this work shows an increase
amounting to 65,512. The largest number of revaccinations
(8,404) during the year 1928-29 were performed in
Bilaspur. Labour recruited from that place is mainly
responsible for this increase. In Seoni district 4,055
revaccinations were performed in 1928-29 as compared
with 1,456 in the previous year. This increase is due to
the fact that the Chairman, District Council, issued orders
to all the school masters in the district for getting all the
school boys revaccinated. The Civil Surgeon in his report
states that as a result of this about 90 per cent of all school-
going children have been revaccinated. In Mandla district
there was an increase of 3,199 revaccinations and in
Raipur 2,373. Narsinghpur, Nimar and Hoshangabad
recorded very few revaccinations during the year 1928-29.

Results achieved in Seoni show that considerable
improvement can be effected by the active co-operation
of the members of the Local Bodies, and it is hoped that
the District Council members would use their influence
and help the vaccination staff so that revaccination work
is done on a larger scale to avoid severe epidemics of

15.    The rule in the Public Health Manual
[paragraph 8 (b), Chapter VI] regarding age limit for
revaccination has been amended in 1927-28 so as to
allow of revaccination being performed over the age of

16.    Dispensary vaccination and vaccination by other
agencies. Statement III.—During the year 1928-29 vacci-
nations performed in Nagpur Jail and Raipur Jail number-
ed 418 and 850, respectively. The medical subordinate