Resolution on the Report on Vaccination in Assam for 1890-91

Extract from the Proceedings of the Chief Commissioner of Assam in the General
               Department, No. 7047 G., dated the 20th August 1891.


The Annual Vaccination Report for 1890-91.


THE submission of this report was unavoidably delayed owing to the absence of the
Deputy Surgeon General on field service with the Manipur Field Force for nearly three
months. The report, which was due on the 15th May, was received in manuscript on
the 27th July 1891 and in print on the 11th August 1891.

Progress of vaccination work.

2. It is very satisfactory to notice the continued improvement in the total number
of operations. To this improvement every district has
contributed (except Goálpára and the Gáro Hills), and
notably the districts of Sylhet, Lakhimpur, Darrang, Kámrúp, and the Nága Hills. The
decrease in Goálpára and the Gáro Hills is insignificant. The total number of operations
in the Province has been steadily increasing for many years past, and last year amounted
to over three times the number recorded in 1882-83. The rate of progress during this
period has been greatest in the Sylhet district, a result which is no doubt due to the
action of the Local Boards. On tea gardens there has also been a satisfactory increase
of 31 per cent. in the number of vaccinations, following an increase of 40 per cent. in
the previous year. The Chief Commissioner notices, however, that the percentage of
successful vaccinations on tea gardens has been decreasing of late years. Thus, in
1888-89 it was 85.39, in 1889-90 it fell to 82-57, and in the past year it again fell
to 80.18. In the Sylhet district the percentage for 1890-91 was as low as 56.61, which
is not explained.

Inspection of vaccinations.

3. It is also satisfactory to notice that the increase in operations has been accompa-
nied by an increase in inspections from 80,737 during
1889-90 to 98,612 cases, with the result that 90.83 per
cent. were found successful, a percentage very little below that of the previous year.

Vaccination in compulsory areas.

4. As regards vaccination in compulsory areas under Act V (B.C.) of 1880,
the total number of operations performed increased from
1,734 in 1889-90 to 1,891 in 1890-91, and the number'
of successful operations from 1,439 to 1,658. This result, which is satisfactory, was
mainly due to the number of operations performed in the Dhubri and Goálpára
municipalities, to which Act V (B.C.) of 1880 has been extended during the year
under review. The Chief Commissioner, however, notices with regret the decrease
in the number of vaccinations in the Sylhet and Gauháti municipalities. Mr. Ward
awaits the proposals of the Deputy Surgeon General, to which reference is made
in paragraph 14 of the report, in regard to the extension of Act IV. (B.C.) of 1880 to
certain selected areas in the Surma Valley. In making these proposals Dr. Costello will
doubtless bear in mind the restrictions, as embodied in the Chief Commissioner's Resolution
No. 3831G., dated the 1st May 1891, subject to which the extension of the Act to the
Province generally was sanctioned by the Government of India.

Working of the animal lymph
depôt at Shillong.

5. The Chief Commissioner has read with interest the remarks embodied in
paragraphs 30-33 of the report on the working of the
animal lymph depôt established at Shillong, and Mr. Ward
has no doubt that under the management of Surgeon-Major Neil Campbell, to whom the
thanks of the Administration are due for the skill and energy with which he has initiated
and conducted the operations, the depôt will continue to prove a success.

                                          By order of the Chief Commissioner of Assam,

                                                                F. C. DAUKES,

                                            Secretary to the Chief Commissioner of Assam,

A. S. Press (General) No. 25—165+20—21-8-91.