Sibságar Station.

21. The Compulsory Vaccination Act came into force in this station from 21st
January 1892. A total of 257 operations, with 228
successful cases, were performed during the year, of which
145, with 130 successes, were within the station limits. In 1890-91, 518 operations,
with 481 successful cases, were accomplished. The station paid Rs. 60 for a vaccinator,
who was employed for six months. The average cost of each successful case was 4 annas
and 2 pies.

Shillong Station.

22. There-was one vaccinator throughout the year. He performed 465 operations
with 434 successful cases, against 419 and 366, respectively,
in the previous year. His work was inspected by the
Civil Surgeon and the Hospital Assistant of the Vaccination Depôt. The total number
of vaccinations performed within the station limits was 560 primary vaccinations and
8 re-vaccinations; of the former 525 and of the latter 3 were successful. The Civil
Surgeon had 20 successful cases out of 22 primary vaccinations performed by himself.
He also had 3 successful cases out of 8 re-vaccinations. The Hospital Assistant in
charge of the Vaccine Depôt vaccinated 41, all successful; and the Hospital Assistant
in charge of the dispensary vaccinated 31, with 30 successful cases. The cost to the
municipality was Rs. 144-2.

Habiganj Union.

23. A vaccinator was employed for this union for a period of 3 months and 29
days at Rs. 10 a month. He performed 95 operations
during the year 1891-92, of which 71 were reported as
successful. All his operations were verified by the native inspector who found the
results to correspond with those furnished by the vaccinator. In 1890-91, 104
operations and 71 successful cases were performed in this union, of which 25 and 21,
respectively, were done by the native inspector. Had the vaccination work been carried
on for the full season in 1891-92, a larger number of children would have been
vaccinated. I have issued directions to the Civil Surgeon of Sylhet to endeavour to
have the number of vaccinations increased here. There were 105 births here in the
past year as compared with 93 in the previous year. Vaccination is not compulsory
in this union.


24. In accordance with my recommendation, as stated in paragraph 26 of the last
year's Report, a separate vaccinator was engaged for
Balaganj on a monthly salary of Rs. 10 from the 25th
November 1891 to 31st March 1892. He did 380 cases, of which 321 were successful,
against 3 cases done in the previous year by the Hospital Assistant and the compounder.
The total expenditure on vaccination was Rs. 32, and the average cost of each succcessful
case was 1 anna and 7 pies. The unions at Balaganj and Sunámganj were abolished
during the year, hence statistics for Sunámgani have not been furnished separately.

Golághát Union.

25. One vaccinator was employed by the union, as in the previous year, who
during the six months forming the season performed 176
vaccinations with 170 successful cases within the union
limits, as contrasted with 147 and 145 respectively of the preceding year. Of the
176 operations, 130 were performed by the vaccinator and 46 by the Hospital Assistant
in charge of the dispensary. Besides these, the vaccinator performed 398 operations
outside the union limits. The Compulsory Vaccination Act, V (B.C.) of 1880, was intro-
duced into the union with effect from the 24th March 1892.

Jorhát Union.

26. One vaccinator was entertained from the union funds on a monthly salary of
Rs. 10, and the total expenditure for the year was Rs. 60,
which was equal to the sum expended in the previous
year. A total of 691 vaccinations, with 644 successful cases, were performed by him
during the year, against 640 and 622 respectively in the preceding year. Of the 691
vaccinations, 232 cases, with 229 successes, were done within the union limits, and
the balance beyond the limits of the union. Under Assam Gazette Notification No.
2955G. of the 12th April 1892, Act V (B.C.) of 1880 (the Bengal Vaccination Act, 1880)
was extended to the whole of this union from the 12th April 1892, and the results
cannot be shown until at the end of the next year.

Remarks on the working of the
animal lymph depôt at Shillong.

27. The working, cost, &c., or the animal lymph depôt is fully shown in Surgeon-
Major Campbell's report in Appendix A. The success of
this lymph in the past year has been very satisfactory,
and even more so than in the previous year (see paragraph
7 above). 223,185 tubes were distributed, as compared with 111,475 in the previous
year, or an increase of 111,710 tubes so distributed to the different districts, gardens,
&c., including the Manipur State.

The outbreaks of small-pox in the Nága Hills and in the Manipur State caused a
considerable proportion of the greater expenditure of lymph, the quality of which