7.  The total expenditure, net,under the head ' Animals' is Rs. 2,558-8 + Rs. 135 for Manipur,
total Rs. 2,693-8, compared with Rs. 2,453-15 in 1890-91, which is a very small increase.

8.  The increase would have been much greater, of course, if the death-rate had been equal in the
two years. The expenditure would really have been less if credit were taken for the calves in hand
at the end of the year 1891-92, i.e., 40 calves unprotected at Rs. 7 equals Rs. 280, and five calves
protected, Rs. 3, equals Rs. 15, or total of Rs. 295, which might be deducted, whereas in
1890-91 the balance in hand was 9 calves unprotected at Rs. 7 = Rs. 63, and one protected at
Rs. 3 = Rs. 3, total Rs. 66, so that the net expenditure might be stated as follows :




1890-91 ... ... ...




1891-92, including Manipur ... ...




1891-92, excluding „ ... ...




Cost of feeding.

9. The cost of feeding was Rs. 453, including Manipur, which was debited with Rs. 20-8-3.
This includes the cost of grass, salt, rice, and matikalai, and the fire-
wood for cooking. The cost in 1890-91 was only Rs. 199-10-6, so
that the increase this year is more than double that of last year. This increase is due to the
greater number of calves at a time in the stalls which had to be fed, and a more liberal diet, especial-
ly in the dry season, when more green food was purchased, and if ill, more soft food, as rice and kalai.


10. The expenditure on this head was Rs. 2,105-8-8, including Rs. 105-12-10 for Manipur,
compared with Rs. 1,229-15-9 in the previous year. Of this sum,
vaccine tubes cost Rs. 1,551-6-8 (Manipur Rs. 86-12-10, Provincial
Rs. 1,464-9-10), compared with Rs. 871-4 in the previous year. Service stamps and telegrams Rs.
78-12, compared with Rs. 42 in the previous year. The balance (Rs. 475-6) was expended on rope
candles, instruments, furniture, medicine, packing boxes, coal, dhan straw, &c.


11. The establishment consists of one Hospital Assistant, second grade, two coolies for twelve
months, one coolie for seven months, and one coolie for four months,
and one sweeper for six and a half months. The cost was Rs. 1,038,
of which Manipur was debited with Rs. 36, as a special coolie at Rs. 9 per mensem was sanc-
tioned for four months for Manipur.


12. 547 calves were vaccinated during the year, of which seven died in the stalls, and one calf,
though twice operated on, proved unsuccessful, and in the case of two
calves the lymph was unsatisfactory, so that lymph was taken from
537 calves.

13.  The number of tubes loaded from these 537 calves was 230,379, or an average of 429 tubes
per calf. The number this year compares favourably with previous year, when of 412 calves vacci-
nated, 40 died in the stall, so that lymph could not be obtained from them ; eleven were used for pre-
paring lanoline lymph; and from the remainder (361) only 118,486 tubes were loaded, or an average
of 328 tubes per calf. Lymph is taken 100 hours after the operation in the warm weather, and 120
hours after in the cold months.

14.  An interesting record of the temperature of the calves vaccinated was kept. The normal
temperature of a calf is 101 ; as a rule, there is no rise of temperature for three full days, though some
time there is a rise of half a degree. On the fourth day the temperature rises to 102.6 to 103 and
remains about 1½ to 2 degrees above normal for three days. The temperature seldom goes above
103, but occasionally 103.6 was registered, and once 104.2.


15. 223,185 tubes were distributed to the province and Manipur this year, compared with
112,475 in the previous year. There was an outbreak of small-pox
in Manipur and the Nága Hills, so a large quantity of lymph was
sent to both the Civil and Military authorities in these districts. The remaining tubes were used
in vaccinating calves, and a few are in hand. The weekly supply forwarded to the various Civil
Surgeons was—

Dhubri ... ... ... ... ... ...


Kámrúp ... ... ... ... ... ...


Darrang ... ... ... ... ... ...


Nowgong ... ... ... ... ... ...


Lakhimpur ... ... ... ... ... ...


Sibságar ... ... ... ... ... ...


Cachar ... ... ... ... ... ...


Sylhet ... ... ... ... ... ...


Gáro Hills ... ... ... ... ... ...


Nága „ ... ... ... ... ... ...

200, then 400, and now 1,000

Besides this regular weekly supply, any special applications were complied with, for the various
regiments, camp followers, missionaries, and the Political Agent at Manipur (the last of these
received 11,400). Vaccination is carried out throughout the whole year in the Khási Hills, but only
from 1st October to 31st March in the rest of the province. The supply of lymph never failed through-
out the year, and any sudden demands, however large, were at once supplied.


16. Lymph is taken according to the season from 100th to 120th hours after operating.
Only the solid vesicle is taken, no serum or blood is mixed with it.
It is mixed with equal parts of glycerine and water, well pounded
in a pestle and mortar, put in tubes and sealed. Humanised lymph is frequently mixed with
animal lymph in vaccinating the calves, seldom more than two or three days elapsing without
this mixture. The humanised lymph is obtained from the vaccinators employed in the various
outlying portions of the Khási Hills only, and is supplied weekly by each. The reports have been