letter No. 329, dated the 30th September 1891, reviewing the Vaccination Report of Assam
for the year 1890-91, reference was made to the falling off in the number of operations
performed in compulsory areas in the Sylhet district, and it was remarked that this falling
off was especially to be regretted in view of the fact that inoculation appears to be commonly
practised in that district. As regards this, it may be mentioned that Act IV (B.C.) of
1865 (an Act for the prohibition of the practice of inoculation) was extended in April
1892 to the towns of Sylhet, Karirnganj, Sunámganj, Habiganj, Maulvi Bázár, Hailákándi,
and Silchar in the Surina Valley. The working of the Act and its effect on vaccine opera-
tions will be noticed in the report for 1892-93. Besides the extension noted above, Act
V (B.C.) of 1880 was introduced into the stations of Silchar and Sibságar and the
Union of Golághát during the year under report, and it has been introduced also into
the Jorhat Union since the close of the year. In the Dhubri Municipality, although Act
XIII of 1880 (the Vaccination Act) was extended in February 1891, the rules under
the Act were introduced only in February 1892.

Working of the animal lymph
depôt at Shillong.

5. The Chief Commissioner is glad to notice that the success of the Shillong
lymph depôt is now assured, a result which is largely
due to the able management of the depôt by Surgeon-
Major R. N. Campbell.

                                                    By order of the Chief Commissioner of Assam,

                                                                           F. C. DAUKES,

                                                    Secretary to the Chief Commissioner of Assam.

A S P O (Report) No 15-200-11-7-92