The Compulsory Vaccination Act, V of 1880, was brought into force in the station
and Act XIII of 1880 in the cantonment of Shillong on the 21st of June 1895. There
are at present ten places in which the Compulsory Acts are in force, the aggregate
population of which was 68,847 when the census was taken in 1891. In these ten
places there were 4,161 vaccinations done during the year, and 3,828 of the operations
were successful. During 1894-95, 2,523 successful vaccinations were done in the
nine places, with a population of 62,127, in which the Acts were then in force. During
1895, there were 132 deaths from small-pox registered in the ten places in which the
Acts were in force, the death-rate having been 1.92 per 1,000. Of the 132 deaths
from this cause, 115 were registered in Dibrugarh. The small-pox death-rate of the
province as a whole for the year was 0.77 per 1,000. There were 779 notices issued
under the Acts during the year, 73 prosecutions were instituted and 10 persons were
punished. In 1894-95, 673 notices were issued and there were 47 prosecutions, but no
one was punished.

Silchar Municipality.

16. There were 181 vaccinations done in this municipality during the year with a
successful result in each case. In 1894-95, 86 persons
were successfully vaccinated. There were seven notices
issued under the Act, and there was one prosecution, but no one was punished. Five
small-pox deaths were registered during 1895.

Sylhet Municipality.

17. There were 478 persons vaccinated in this municipality during the year, and
442 of these were operated on successfully. In 1894-95,
236 persons were successfully vaccinated. There were 435
notices issued under the Act, but not a single prosecution was instituted. Not a single
small-pox death was registered in the municipality during the year.

Dhubri Municipality.

18. Only 146 persons were vaccinated during the year, as against 573 in 1894-95.
There were no notices issued under the Act, and no deaths
from small-pox were registered during the year.

Goalpara Municipality.

19. There were 169 persons successfully vaccinated in this municipality, as against
120 vaccinated successfully in 1894-95. One small-pox
death was registered during 1895. There were 87 notices
issued under the Act, 6 prosecutions were instituted and one person was punished.

Gauhati Municipality.

20. In this municipality 572 persons were successfully vaccinated, as against 364
in 1894-95. No notices were issued under the Act. There
were two deaths from small-pox registered during the year.

Dibrugarh Municipality and

21. The large number of 1,287 persons were successfully vaccinated during the
year, as against 829 in 1894-95. Three persons suffering
from small-pox were landed at Dibrugarh in February from
a steamer which had recently left Calcutta, and from that
date to the end of the year the disease was prevalent, causing 115 deaths in the munici-
pality and cantonment. There were 250 notices issued under the Act, 66 prosecutions
were instituted and 9 persons were punished.

Sibsagar Station.

22. There were 394 persons successfully vaccinated in this station, as against
303 in 1894-95. No notices were issued under the Act.
Seven deaths from small-pox were registered in the station
during the year.

Shillong Station and Cantonment.

23. Out of 438 persons vaccinated during the year, 387 were done successfully.
There were no notices issued under the Act, which was
brought into force on the 21st of June. Not a single small-
pox death was registered during the year.

Golaghat Union.

24. There were 104 persons successfully vaccinated in this union during the year.
No notices were issued under the Act. Two small-pox
deaths were registered during the year.

Jorhat Union.

25. In this union 158 persons were successfully vaccinated, as against 115 in
1894-95. No notices were issued under the Act, and not
a single death was registered from small-pox.


26. Inoculation continues to be frequently practised in the Surma Valley. The
Civil Medical Officer of Cachar stated that an outbreak
of small-pox, originating directly from inoculation, occurred
in a village near Jhaffirband tea garden in the Hailakandi subdivision, and that the
disease afterwards spread to that tea garden. He also reported that inoculation was