Annual Report of the Bovine Vaccine Depôts Shillong, for the year


Total expenditure.

1. The total expenditure during the year was Rs. 6,544-10-5, being Rs. 270-7-7 less than
last year. The diminution would have been much greater but for
the following reasons:—Capillary tubes cost Rs. 261 more than
in 1894-95, owing to the fall in exchange, Rs. 147 were paid for a new pump, there was a loss on
the sale of calves of Rs. 286-6, and, lastly, there are 35 unvaccinated calves in hand this year,
while there were none the year before.

Petty construction and repairs.

A sum of Rs. 672-9-6 has been expended for Manipur, which is not included in the above.
The year before, the expenditure for Manipur was Rs. 289.

2. These cost Rs. 260-7, of. which Rs. 147 were for a new pump. The pump unfortunately
did not prove satisfactory. It was bought and put up by the Public
Works Department, but it was found that it would not raise water
to the height required.

The want of water has caused great inconvenience. I understand that there is a possibility of
the cantonment water-supply being carried down the ridge on which the vaccine depôt is built,
which would permanently settle our difficulties as regards water.


3. During the year 508 calves were bought at a net cost of Rs. 2,904, of which Rs. 265 have been
charged to Manipur. After vaccination, the calves were re-sold to
the contractors for Rs. 2-8 each from April 1st to November 15th,
for Rs. 2 from November 16th to the end of January, and from then to the end of the season for
Re. 1.

It was necessary to make this reduction in order to compensate the contractors for losses
they had sustained.

The calves intended for vaccination were procured from the Assam Valley during the past
season, in order to avoid the purchase of animals which had been vaccinated before, of which there
must be many now in these hills (the contractors brought five to the depôt at the beginning of the

The change from the Assam Valley to the cold climate of Shillong caused many deaths among
the calves, both in the contractors' hands and at the depôt, before and after vaccination. For
this reason one of the contractors was unwilling to take on the contract again on any terms, but
the other two were willing to renew it at a higher rate, and Rs. 8 has been fixed as the initial cost
of each calf, while the re-selling price is to be Rs. 2 throughout the year. The contractors did
their work most satisfactorily.

The account of the calves for the year is as follows :


Balance in hand on April 1st, 1895 ... ... ... ... ...


Bought during the year ... ... ... ... ... ...


Total ... ... ... ... ... ...


Vaccinated during the year ... ... ... ... ... ...


Died ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...


Total ... ... ... ... ... ...


Balance in hand on March 31st, 1896 ... ... ... ... ...



Balance in hand on April 1st, 1895 ... ... ... ... ...


Vaccinated during the year ... ... ... ... ... ...


Total ... ... ... ... ... ...


Sold ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...


Died ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...


Total ... ... ... ... ... ...


Balance in hand on March 31st, 1896 ... ... ... ... ...


4. The mortality was—


Unprotected calves ... ... ... ... ... ... ...


Protected calves ... ... ... ... ... ... ...


Total ... ... ... .. ... ... ...


Of the vaccinated calves, 35 died before, and 82 after, taking lymph.