No. 784S.


               SURGEON-COLONEL A. STEPHEN, M.B.,

                                                            Principal Medical Officer and Sanitary Commissioner, Assam,



                                                                                                    OF ASSAM.

                                                                                Shillong, the 18th May 1897.


I HAVE the honour to forward the Vaccination Statements of the Province
of Assam for the year 1896-97, with the following remarks :—

Number of vaccinators employed.

2. The average number of vaccinators employed in each district, excluding the
dispensary staff and tea-garden agencies, with details of
the work done, is given in Statement No. I. On an aver-
age 18 inspectors of vaccination, 175 paid and 28 licensed vaccinators and 6 appren-
tices were employed during the year, as against 18 inspectors, 158 paid and 48 licensed
vaccinators and 7 apprentices in 1895-96. An additional paid vaccinator was appointed
in the Cachar District. In the Sylhet District an additional paid vaccinator was
appointed, and the services of one appentice were dispensed with. In the Goalpara
District two additional licensed vaccinators were entertained. In the Kamrup District
15 additional paid vaccinators were entertained, and the services of 22 licensed vaccin-
ators were dispensed with.

Cost of the department.

3. Statement No. II gives the details of the cost of the department for the year.
The salaries of the Native Inspectors and paid vaccinators
amounted to Rs. 3,783-4-10 and Rs. 13,630-0-0, respec-
tively, and Rs. 3,216-11-0 were spent on travelling allowances and Rs. 1,093-9-3 on
contingencies, so that the total cost of the department for the year was Rs. 21,723-9-1.
The expenditure for the year was Rs. 1,781-7-3 greater than Rs. 19,942-1-10, the
expenditure incurred in 1895-96. The increased cost was chiefly due to 29 paid
vaccinators having been employed in the Kamrup District, as against 14 in the previous
year. Of the expenditure, Rs. 8,314-5-10 were met from Provincial, Rs. 10,982-15-9
from Local, and Rs. 871-4-6 from Municipal Funds, and Rs. 1,554-15 were contributed
by the Manipur State. There were 233,598 successful vaccinations done by paid
vaccinators, including 17,236 operations done by 18 licensed vaccinators who received
rewards, so that the average cost of each successful vaccination was one anna and six
pies, as against one anna and seven pies in 1895-96.

Vaccinations done by paid and
licensed vaccinators.

4. The total number of vaccinations done by paid and licensed vaccinators during
the season was 250 350, as against 233,812 done in 1895-
96, an increase of 16,538 operations Of the vaccinations
done, 243,307 were primary and 7,043 were cases of re-
vaccination. In 1895-96 there were 227,114 primary vaccinations and 6,698 re-vaccin-
ations performed, so that in 1896-97, 16,193 more primary vaccinations and 345 more
re-vaccinations were done than in the previous year. Of the persons vaccinated during
the season under review, 139,698 were males and 110,652 were females.

Percentage of successful operations.

5. Of the 243,307 primary vaccinations done by paid and licensed vaccinators,
237,408, or 97.58 per cent., were successful. In 1895-96,
the percentage of successful operations was 97.74, 221,992
having been successful out of 227,114 operations done. Of the 7,043 re-vaccinations
done, 6,638, or 94.25 per cent., were stated to have been successfully performed. In
1895-96, the percentage of successful re-vaccinations was 87.98. The Civil Surgeon
of Nowgong reported that all the 12,970 primary vaccinations done in his district were
successful, a wonderfully good result. In the Naga Hills 78.43 per cent. of the re-
vaccinations, and only 74.22 per cent. of the primary vaccinations, were reported to
