Some unnecessary wastage of vaccine still takes place, especially in the Assam
districts, where the vaccinators in former years were in the habit of obtaining almost
unlimited supplies. In Assam, on the average, two individuals are vaccinated from
three tubes, while in Eastern Bengal on the average three individuals are vaccinated
from two tubes. Major Green points out that, with economy, one tube of vaccine will
suffice for six separate insertions, and that an allowance of one tube for each indivi-
dual, with a margin of 10 per cent. for wastage, should be ample for the requirements
of a district.

The quality and virility of the vaccine has been steadily maintained by the careful
selection of both calves and vaccine employed to continue the special strain, from which
the other calves are vaccinated. By so doing, the vaccine has been maintained unim-
paired since November 1904, without the admixture of other foreign strains, and
without exhaltation by passages through other animals. When used locally it gives
100% successful results, even after it has been kept for about four months in the depôt,
and no loss of efficiency has occurred from the dilution.

Complaints were received from many of the districts of failure of the supplies
which were despatched from the depôt at the latter end of September and the beginning
of October. This complaint has been perennial apparently since the foundation of the
depôt, and enquiry has failed to elicit any obvious cause, though it is certain that the
vaccine is virile when it is despatched from the depôt. The general opinion is that
the failure is connected in some way with the heat of the plains and the difficulty of
carrying on operations during the Durga Puja holidays : and most Civil Surgeons
consider it advisable to defer the formal opening of the vaccinating season till 1st
November, by which time the weather will have become cooler, and the holidays
will have ceased.

A mechanical contrivance, invented by Major Entrican, I.M.S., has been introduced
for filling the tubes with vaccine. It has worked most satisfactorily, and its introduc-
tion has been followed by a considerable saving of labour, and by greater cleanliness
in filling the tubes. The pulp, however, still has to be mixed with glycerine by hand
in a pestle and mortar, as no mechanical machine has yet been invented which acts
so effectively.

Arrangements for cold storage are being made, which will enable a large reserve
of vaccine to be kept in hand for use in the event of the supply of calves failing, or of
an epidemic.

To meet the necessity for increased accommodation at the depôt, additional stalls
for vaccinated calves have been erected. Numerous new out-houses have been built
to provide for newly-imported animals, and a new well-lighted operating theatre has
also been constructed.

Owing to these various improvements, it is now possible to prepare twice as
many tubes with less labour than in the previous year. The cost of one tube of
vaccine is estimated to be 2.4 pies, of which nearly 1 pie represents the cost of the
empty capillary tube, and this cost will be still further reduced to 1.9 pies when tubes of
of smaller calibre are introduced. This figure compares very favourably with those of
previous years, viz., 4.08 pies in 1905-1906 and 3.9 in 1906-1907.

Major Green reports that he has received loyal support from Hospital Assistant
Kamal Charan Datta and the staff of the depôt.

Cost of Department.

13. The total cost of the Department during the year was Rs. 1,02,095-11-0, against
Rs. 90,634-12-5 in 1906-1907 and Rs. 80,103-5-8 in 1905-
1906. The expenditure during 1907-1908 was borne in
the following manner :—




Provincial Funds ... ... ... ...




District and Local Board Funds ... ...




Municipal Funds ... ... ... ...




Manipur State ... ... ... ...




Total ... ...




The increase during the year, as compared with the previous two years, was due
mainly to the larger outturn of vaccine from the Shillong depôt and to the reorganisa-
tion of the inspecting staff.