OF VACCINATION.                            13

dent had noticed this before my arrival, and had sent for fresh virus
from the nearest station, Oleypore, but he was wrong in not stopping the
vaccinator's work until the new lymph had reached him.

49. The inhabitants of this place had accepted vaccination with
much apparent willingness and in large numbers, but it was not a good
sign of their interest in its success to see, that the elder children
were permitted to plaster over the vaccine vesicles with clay. The
vaccinator declared that he had cautioned them against this without
being able to put a stop to it. I impressed upon the people that it
would be much better not to submit their children to the operation at
all, than to allow its success to be marred in this way.

50 In December, the average of each vaccinator's work in the
Rungpore district was 190, in the succeeding months it was over 300—
not an unsatisfactory progress, seeing that, in four out of the five locali-
ties occupied by vaccinators, the operation was a novelty.

51.    From Kallygunge I returned to Rungpore, and thence to
Julpigoree, again inspecting the work there and at Mynagoree before the
close of the season.

52.    My vaccinators were supplied with virus of my own stock at
the beginning of the season, and with one exception, already mentioned,
the vesicle continued to be genuine everywhere in my circle during the
working months. Some of the lymph I am now using in the Darjeeling
Hills, is the product of that supplied to me by Dr. Charles when I
commenced work in 1866, and after two seasons' work in the plains and
one in the hills, it is as active as could be desired. At the commencement
of the season, I received from the Inspector-General's Office, two boxes
of tubes charged with lymph in London. One of the boxes was unfor-
tunately crushed in transmission through the post, and its contents des-
troyed : the lymph in the other was found on trial to be as active and
in as good condition as that I received last year from the same source.

        The returns for the season are appended.