( 3 )

balance being defrayed by municipalities and from local sources. In the pre-
vious year the corresponding figures were Rs. 92,413 contributed by the State
out of a total expenditure of Rs. 1,02,069. It therefore appears that the local
contributions amounted to Rs. 9,171 only in the past year, against Rs. 9,656 in
the previous year. This result is not satisfactory. An increase of Rs. 3,731 in
the total expenditure falling upon the Government, is attributable to the open-
ing of the two new circles above referred to.

10.    The average cost of each successful case of vaccination during the
past year was one anna ten pies, or precisely the same as in the previous year.
In the Darjeeling, Metropolitan, and Eastern Bengal Circles, however, there
was a sensible reduction in the average cost, while in the Ranchee Circle the
cost was nearly double that of the previous year.

11.    In reviewing in detail the progress of vaccination in the different circles
of superintendence, the Surgeon-General remarks that in Calcutta and its Suburbs
the character of the work done remained as high as ever; that Dr. Charles
continued to apply himself with his usual devotion to his work; and that he and
his establishment have achieved a splendid success. In the Metropolitan Circles
operations were chiefly carried on in the Jessore district. The system pursued, as
described, being " continuous systematic progress by gangs under close inspec-
tion, and the exhaustive protection of definite areas radiating from a centre."
The proceedings have therefore been entirely in accordance with the orders of
Government on the subject, which prescribe the concentration of operations.
The results are said to have been very satisfactory and exceedingly creditable
to Dr. Gupta and his assistants Rai Jadub Chunder Ghose Bahadoor, Rai
Ramsoonder Ghose Bahadoor, and Buddy Nath Brummo. A similarly favour-
able report is given of the work done in the Darjeeling Circle. There, it is
said, " the old desultory plan of scattering small gangs of vaccinators in several
districts has been abandoned, and operations were concentrated in the district
of Bogra, and the conterminous thanas of the surrounding districts." Much
credit is also said to be due to Dr. Lidderdale for the energy and thoroughness
with which he applies himself to his duties, and for the decided success he has
secured in the face of much difficulty. In the Eastern Bengal Circle opera-
tions were concentrated in the district of Furreedpore. There was some falling
off in the amount of work done, but this is explained satisfactorily. In the
Sonthal Pergunnahs operations were confined to the sub-divisions of Rajmehal
and Godda. The frequency of outbreaks of small-pox in various parts of the
pergunnahs is, however, said to have interfered much with systematic vaccina-
tion. In the Ranchee Circle operations were commenced late. The plan of
operations seems to have been ill-devised, and the results obtained have been
anything but satisfactory.

12.    As it is not intended that the circle establishments should be a
permanent burden on the resources of the State, the importance of training up
men who shall eventually enter upon independent practice as vaccinators has
been frequently pressed upon the attention of all medical officers. In the
Resolution on the report for 1874-75, the Lieutenant-Governor reviewed what
had been done with the object of inducing inoculators to take to vaccination.
In furtherance of the instructions which it was then noted had been issued
on the subject, a grant of Rs. 6,000 was made from the savings in the budget
of the year, with a view chiefly to provide a staff of inspectors who should control
the working of ex-inoculators, to maintain a certain number of apprentices
while under tuition, and to admit of rewards being given to those practitioners
who showed a good outturn of work. The result of these measures has
been separately reported by the Surgeon-General. The Lieutenant-Governor
wishes, however, that in future a section of the annual report may be devoted
to the subject, in order that its importance may not be lost sight of.

13.     The results of the experiment are reported to have been as follows
in the districts in which it was tried. In Midnapore three inspecting
vaccinators were entertained, and twenty-six apprentices were placed under