It is worthy of record, as indicating satisfactory progress in the protection of the
people, that the mortality from small-pox has been gradually decreasing year by year in the
Sonthal Pergunnahs district: thus—





1873 ... ...


1877 ... ...


1874 ... ...


1878 ... ...


1875 ... ...


1879 ... ...


1876 ... ...


1880 ... ...


Mortality among infants.

104. The total deaths of infants from all causes during the year is reported to have
amounted to 4,919 in the area under operation. Placed
against the estimated births, this number gives 7.38 as the
proportion of deaths to births. The percentage of infants vaccinated to number born has
been shown to be 10.91. The inference, then, is that the large proportion, 81.71 per cent.,
of the number who were born during the year remained unprotected.

                              EASTERN BENGAL CIRCLE.

105. The following summary has been made from the report on vaccination in the
Eastern Bengal Circle for 1880-81, submitted by Apothecary A. Lyons, the Superintendent:—


106. The following establishment carried on the work
of the year:—




1 Superintendent.

141 licensed vaccinators.

1 Deputy Superintendent.

54 honorary vaccinators

2 inspectors.

or apprentices.

6 head vaccinators.

18 vaccinators.


32 vaccinators.

24 apprentices.

One of the permanent head vaccinators was not kept on for economical reasons during
the five recess months The whole of the above extra staff was not employed during the
entire working season. During the first three months 26 vaccinators and 24 apprentices
were retained, and during the last three months the 32 vaccinators with the apprentices
were employed. The work of the licensed vaccinators was supervised by the Deputy Superin-
tendent and inspectors. The total cost of the establishment at work, including the pay
of one clerk and two peons, amounted to Rs. 10,919-6-9.

The Superintendent complains that his establishment is numerically weak for the
enlarged area under operation Another clerk is required for the quicker despatch of clerical
work, and especially an additional inspector for the effective supervision of the operations.

Conduct of establishment.

107. The conduct of the Deputy Superintendent is very unfavorably commented on by
the Superintendent. This officer, whose behaviour has
hitherto never been commendable, this year evaded scrutiny
and disregarded communications addressed to him, owing to which little or no check could
be kept either on him or his movements. He is, moreover, pronounced to be destitute of
every qualification that go to make up an efficient, intelligent, and trustworthy officer.

A detailed report of the grounds on which this condemnation is based is to be submitted,
on receipt of which proper action will be taken in the matter. One head vaccinator was
reduced to the post of a third-grade vaccinator for making false returns and fictitious
statements, making false entries of his inspections, concealing extortion on the part of one
of his men, and disobeying orders. The vaccinator who was accused of extortion was
suspended, and on the charge being proved against him he was reduced from the second to
the third grade For the same offence another vaccinator was under suspension when this
report was submitted. This vaccinator was before fined Rs. 5 for negligently losing his
register which was said to contain serious complaints against him. The register was,
however, subsequently found by a ferryman on the banks of the river Jumuna much
destroyed. Four extra vaccinators were fined for bad work, idleness, and disrespectful
conduct. Inspector Rajmohan Malakar was reported as continuing to be painstaking and
trustworthy, and inspector Bykunt Nath Bhimick as affording satisfaction on the whole,
but the men of the latter inspector had not at first been quite taken in hand, and seemed to
work pretty nearly as they liked.

Plan and field of work.

108. Government agency. —The area of operations in which this agency was employed
during the working season commencing from the early part of
October to the end of March embraced the thanas of
Mymensing, Attia, Madhupore, Pingna, Dewangunge, and Jamalpore in the district of
Mymensing. Within this area 155,610 persons were vaccinated. Besides this, 280 persons
in the district of Backergunge and 729 in Noakholli were operated on during this season,
making a total of 156,619 operations for the year.

During the recess 74 persons were operated on in thanas Burisal, Nalchiti, and Bhola,
in Backergunge, and 708 in Furreedpore.