( 4 )

installations periodically, and take samples of the effluent for bacteriological

12.    Sanitary Board.—During the year the Sanitary Board prepared
preliminary estimates for water supply schemes for Burdwan and the Akra
Brick Factory, and detailed estimates for a scheme for Puri and for remodelling
the Bhagalpur scheme. The detailed scheme for a water-supply for Monghyr
was also completed during the year. The details of the Gaya water supply
scheme were under preparation. Besides these, eleven drainage and three
water-supply schemes for various Municipalities were considered by the Board.
Among the former, the most important were the Hooghly-Chinsura, Howrah,
Puri and the Nawi and Sunthi Rivers Drainage projects. The last named,
which is estimated to cost nearly 6 lakhs of rupees, has been taken up under
the Bengal Sanitary Drainage Act. The tract of country to be benefited
by the scheme comprises an area of 70 square miles, and includes the Barasat
Municipality. The water-works schemes were for Darjeeling, Howrah and

13.     Vaccination.—The report on vaccination is for the triennial period
1905-1906 to 1907-1908, and is a record of steady progress, notwith-
standing the prevailing high prices and the consequent reluctance on the
part of poorer classes to offer their children for vaccination owing to
their inability to pay the fees. In Cuttack vaccination has, under the
Lieutenant-Governor's orders, been given free during the current year to
those unable to pay for it. Several useful reforms were introduced into
the Vaccination Department during the triennial period under review, which
have tended to better work and greater efficiency. The pay of the sub-
ordinate inspecting staff has been increased ; arrangements have been made to
give the inspecting and vaccinating staff instruction in the most approved
modern methods of vaccination at selected centres; and the system of granting
rewards to vaccinators has been generally introduced. Antiseptic vaccination
has been employed throughout the province; and the change has been attended
with satisfactory results. In order to prevent the deterioration of lymph which
was noticed last year, the lymph is now supplied direct to the vaccinators from
the Calcutta Depôt. On account of the abnormally high mortality from small-
pox in Orissa, special measures have been adopted for pushing vaccination,
and a Special Inspector has been appointed for the Division.

14.    The Lieutenant-Governor's acknowledgments are due to Colonel
Clarkson and his subordinates for their administration of the Department ; and
His Honour notices the good work done by Captain Munro in connexion with
certain special enquiries.

                                                By order of the Lieutenant-Governor of Bengal,

                                                                                                C. A. OLDHAM,

                                                                                    Secretary to the Govt. of Bengal.

                              Nos. 562-6T.—San.

COPY, with a copy of the Report of the Sanitary Commissioner for 1907,
and of the Triennial Report on Vaccination in Bengal for the years 1905-06
to 1907-08, forwarded to the

(1) Sanitary Commissioner (his attention is specially drawn to the remarks

in paragraphs 9, 7 and 10 of the Resolution)

(2) Inspector-General of (Civil Hospitals

(3) Inspector-General of Prisons

(4) Inspector-General of Police

(5) Sanitary Board

Bengal, for information.

                        Circular No. 4T.- San.

COPY, with a copy of the Report of the Sanitary Commissioner for 1907,
and of the Triennial Report on Vaccination in Bengal for the years 1905-06
to 1907-08, forwarded to all Commissioners of Divisions for information and
for communication to all District Officers in their respective Divisions.

                                                By order of the Lieutenant-Governor of Bengal,

                                                                                                            S. N. MITRA,

                                                                                              Under-Secy. to the Govt. of Bengal.


The 29th June 1908.

B S. Press -17-7-1908 - 2019C-1,235-C A. P.