( 2 )

food-grains which prevailed in the district and the failure of the crops, it is
doubtful whether the result would have been even as good as it has been, had
not the District Magistrate taken a personal interest in vaccination and used his
influence- through his subordinates and presidents of pancheyts in inducing the
people to accept the prophylactic. In Burdwan, the increase is said to be due
to greater healthiness of the latter part of the year, which induced parents to
offer their children freely for vaccination, and to the great influence exercised
by Rai Mani Lall Singh Roy Bahadur, Zemindar of Chakdighi, who for the
third year in succession materially helped in carrying on vaccination and in
realizing the vaccinator's fee not only in his own zemindary but in those of
others as well. His example may be followed by other loyal Zemindars.
In Balasore the increase is due to the normal strength of staff of the district
being maintained, whereas in 1907-08,some of the vaccinators deserted their
posts and hence less work was done in that year. As regards the Tributary
States of Orissa, no explanation of the increase nor any details as to the age
of the vaccinated: have been furnished.

The decrease in the districts of Darbhanga, Ranchi and Hazaribagh is
explained by the prevailing scarcity which compelled the labouring classes to
leave their homes for search of employment elsewhere. In Bhagalpur an
increased number of operations was performed in 1907-08 in connection with the
suppression of small-pox outbreaks, while during the past year, the mortality
from this disease was much less and hence there was a. smaller number of

Vaccination in municipalities.

5. In Calcutta, 82,079 operations were performed during the year against
31,155 in 1907-08. The large increase of 50,924
is due to the severe prevalence of small-pox in the

In muffasil municipalities, dispensaries, etc., the number of cases amounted
to 142,781 against 130,947 of the previous year, showing an increase of 11,834.

The average work of a vaccinator in muffasil municipalities was 819
against 776, while that of licensed, District Board and all other paid vaccinators
was 1,022, 1,979, and 1,475, against 963, 1,879 and 1,436 respectively of
the previous year.

Protection afforded to infants.

6. During the- year under review, out of 1,502,990, the estimated
number of infants under one year available for
vaccination, 8,51,110, that is 566.72 per thousand,
were successfully vaccinated, against 525.42 of the previous year. Again there
has been an increase in the percentage of successful cases which is satisfactory.
In 22 districts (against 19 of the previous year) viz., Palmau, Sambalpur,
Murshidabad, Ranchi, Cuttack, Bhagalpore, Darjeeling, Sonthal Parganas,
Nadia,. Midnapore, Puri, Hazaribagh,. Gaya, Burdwan, Manbhum, Political
States of Singhbhum, Muzaffarpur, Monghyr, Darbhanga, Jessore, Champaran,
and Purnea,.the protection was over 500 per mille, while the lowest rate, viz.,
308.99 per mille in Bankura far exceeded the figure of the previous year, viz.,
236.34 in the same district. It is most satisfactory that Puri which was
most backward in vaccination, specially as regards that of infants under one
year of age, should suddenly show such wonderful progress, but this is due to
the hearty co operations of the District Magistrate, Mr. Hamilton, with the
Civil Surgeon in the work, as well as to the efforts of the Special Inspector of
Vaccination for Orissa who infused new energy among the staff and succeeded
by tact and persuasion in inducing parents to offer their children for
vaccination even in villages which had always resisted it.

The protection afforded to infants in municipalities is shown in Appendix
VII attached to the report. It will be seen that 942.30 per mille of the surviv-
ing infant population was protected during the year against 833.95 of the
previous year, which is satisfactory. The attention of the Civil Surgeons
has, as usual, been drawn to their responsibility in the matter of infant
vaccination in towns wherever the protection is inadequate.

Recess work.

7. During the recess or non-working season of the past year, 181,243
operations were performed in connection with
small-pox epidemics and the up-keep of lymph for
emergencies against 187,735 of 1907-08.

Six-puncture vaccination.

8. The total number of successful primary and re-vaccination operations
in six-points was 825,233 and 19,670 respectively
against 817,428 and 17,813 respectively of the
previous years.