( 3 )

1908-09. The largest number of deaths were recorded in the districts of
Midnapore 2,404, Saran 2,031, Patna 2,011, Howrah 1,489, 24-Parganas 1,349,
Shahabad 1,327, Gaya 1,290, Calcutta 1,012, Hooghly 965, Palamau 883,
Darbhanga 873, Champaran 794, Burdwan 743, Purnea 684, Sonthal
Parganas 659, Monghyr 639, Muzaffarpur 626, Balasore 607, Bhagalpur 514
and Hazaribagh 500, while the mortality was lowest in the districts of Dar-
jeeling 20, Sambalpur 27 and Khulna 153. Out of 25,582 persons who died
of small-pox, 13,580 were reported to have been vaccinated mostly in their child-
hood or otherwise protected, 8,273 were unprotected and in 3,729 cases nothing
could be ascertained. These figures based on the reports of illiterate chau-
kidars are of little value and throw no light as to the efficacy of vaccination
in warding off small-pox.

Outturn of work at the Animal
Vaccination Depôts.

13. In the Animal Vaccination Depôts in Calcutta and Darjeeling 1,879
and 223 calves were vaccinated, against, 1,610 and
235, respectively, in the previous year. The quanti-
ty of lymph manufactured was 520,114 and 63,210
grains, against 420,945 and 69,073 grains, respectively, in the previous year.

Different methods of vaccination.

14. During the year under report. 43,713 primary operations were per
formed with lymph direct from calves, 932,528
with lanoline lymph and 829,737 by the arm-to-
arm method, the corresponding figures for the preceding year being 73,424,
1,058,995 and 804,450 respectively. The ratio per cent. of success under each
of these methods was 98.46, 98.35, and 99.00, as compared with 99.49, 98.09
and 98.77, respectively, of the previous year.

The number of revaccinations under each of these processes of vaccination
was 11,486, 146,411 and 12,978 with a success of 66.82, 60.22 and 69.17 per
cent. against 8,301, 228,901 and 67,505 with a success of 76.83, 59.59 and
83.41 per cent., respectively, during 1908-09.

In Calcutta and in certain parts of the Howrah, Nadia and Jessore dis-
tricts 62,607 primary and 14,313 re-vaccination cases were performed with
glycerinated calf lymph. The ratio per cent. of success was 97.07 and 47.17,

Supply of lymph to the Nepal
Durbar and the Sikkim State.

15. During 1909-10, 355 and 1,415 grains of lanoline vaccine paste were
supplied to the Nepal Darbar and the Sikkim
State, against 250 and 1,130 grains, respectively,
during the previous year.


16. During the past year the Deputy Sanitary Commissioner of the
Bihar and Chota Nagpur Circle inspected 49,685
cases in 909 villages.

Among Civil Surgeons, only six, viz. , the Civil Surgeons of Jessore, Saran,
Muzaffarpur, Sonthal Parganas, Puri and Sambalpur, inspected more than
10,000 operations; 7 from 5,000 to 10,000; 15 from 2,000 to 5,000 ; 4 from
1,000 to 2,000 and two only, viz., the Civil Surgeons of Howrah and Bhagalpur,
below 1,000.

Of the subordinate inspecting staff, 13 District Inspectors of Vaccination
inspected more than 50 per cent. of the primary operations performed in their
respective charges, 9 between 40 and 50 per cent., 7 between 20 to 40 per cent.
and 4 below 20 per cent.

In 12 districts the Sub-Inspectors of Vaccination inspected more than 80
per cent. of the primary operations in their jurisdictions; in 18 districts
between 50 and 80 per cent.; and in 4 below 50 per cent. Suitable notice has
as usual been taken departmentally of the inadequate amount of inspections
performed by the subordinate inspecting staff.

General remarks.

17. As noted in the previous year's report, further experiments were
carried on with glycerinated lymph manufactured
at the Calcutta Central Animal Vaccination Depôt.
Regular supplies were sent throughout the working season to the Civil Surgeons
of Howrah, Nadia and Jessore. The result reported by them is encouraging,
but the liability of the lymph to deterioration owing to heat during transit
does not render its general introduction possible at present.

The system of realizing the vaccinators' fees through the village
panchayets has not been attended with much success. Complaints have
been received from many districts, specially Burdwan, Birbhum, Howrah,